Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1353

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INDEX Rubio-Garcia, Roberto, pardon of----- _ _ Ruff, Erwin Joseph, pardon of--- . __ __ - Ruff, Roy Thomas, pardon of----------- Rumania, International Institute of Agri- culture, treaty respecting ----- _-___ Rumley, Clifton Eugene, pardon of ------ Ruos, George B., and Son, Bridgeville, Del., payment to------------------ Russell, Wallace E., pardon of------- __ Russia. See Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of. Ryder, Paul Fleming, pardon of---_ __ _ - Rytting, James Robert, pardon of - __ ___ S Sakaguchi, Kunichika, pardon of-------- Sakaguchi, Sumio, pardon of------- ____ Sakai, Yoneo, admission for permanent residence --------------------- ___ Sakalouski, Albert Charles, pardon of -- Sakamoto, Hisanari, pardon of---------- Sakamoto, Hisatoshi Harry, pardon of_- - Sakaniwa, Michio, pardon of .----- __- Sakata, Tom Minoru, pardon of ----- _- Sako, James Satoru, pardon of -------- Sako, Tamotsu Tom, pardon of - -- -___ Sakowsky, Elfreida, cancellation of war- rants of arrest and deportation---_ _ _ Salmon, Carmon Green, pardon of ----- Salvador. See El Salvador. Salyers, George Lester, pardon of------- Samson, Carl Theodore, pardon of------ San Marino, International Institute of Agriculture, treaty respecting ------ Sanborn, Carl B., inclusion under Em- ployees' Compensation Act-------- Sanchez, Santiago, pardon of ...-.... .. Sanders, Edwin Alan, pardon of--------- Sanderson, Robert Daniel, pardon of--- . Sandlin, Irven, pardon of------------- Sang Hun Shim, admission for permanent residence-------------------- Sanitation. See Health and Sanitation. Santello Zambora, Jose, pardon of------ Santiago, Angello Relies, pardon of - . - - Sappington, John William, pardon of --- Satterthwait, Arnold C., pardon of------- Saucedo Garcia, Alberto, pardon of ----- Saudi Arabia, International Office of Pub- lic Health, protocol respecting------ Saul, Samuel, pardon of-------------- Saunders, Aldice Revella, pardon of----- Saunders, James Earl, pardon of--- .. -- - Saunders, Orville Francis, pardon of---- Sauseda, Jose, pardon of ------------- Schear, Lloyd Benner, pardon of------- Schiavino, Albert, pardon of------------ Page 1458 1458 1458 1581 1458 1383 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1312 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1308 1458 1458 1458 1581 1295 1458 1458 1458 1458 1316 1463 1458 1458 1458 1447 1604 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 Schindelar, Joseph F., pardon of----. -_ Schirmer, John Maurice, pardon of------ Schmardebeck, Thomas M., pardon of___ Schmidt, Stanley Eugene, pardon of----- Schmitt, John H., payment to--- .. ... Schmitt, Mrs. Mildred, payment to------ Schoenrich, Edwin, payment to----- ___ Schunke, Betty Isabel, admission for per- manent residence ----------- __---_ Schwartz, Beatrice, admission for perma- nent residence -------- .... ....... Schwartz, Patricia, admission for perma- nent residence -------------- _____ Schwartz, Richard Walter, pardon of --- Schwartzman, Victor, pardon of------- Scish, Robert, pardon of---___. .. . .. .. . Scofield, Mrs. Helen E., payment to--- . Scolori, Peter Roosevelt, pardon of------ Scott, Alex, pardon of ----------- _---_ Scott, Clarence M., issuance of patent in fee to, authorized________________ Scott, Earl, payment to----------- ..- - Scott, Martin G., payment to--------- __ Sea, Harvey Jackson, pardon of-------- Seaberry, Peter, pardon of--------- _- __ Searight, William Earl, payment to legal guardian of--------------------_- Sebastian, Allen Alstyne, pardon of----- Sedberry, Oscar Lee, pardon of --_ _ __ - Segura, John Frank, pardon of -- _...... Sehn, John Joseph, pardon of-------- _ Selby, Ivan Henry, pardon of---- __ __. - Selective Service Act of 1948, Registra- tion Under, proclamation ----


Selective Training and Service Act. 1940, Violations, granting of pardon to certain personl, proclamation ... --- Self, Glenn Richard, pardon of.. ---. . . . Sellers, Warren Claud, pardon of . - - -- . - Senate. See also Congress. President, appointment of Senate mem- bers of delegation to ceremonies observing fiftieth anniversary of sinking of Maine--.-------------- President pro tempore, appointments by- Empire Parliamentary Association, meeting in Bermuda, Senate members of delegation--------- Inauguration of President-elect, Senate members of joint com- mittee on arrangements- ------ Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, Senate members of joint com- mittee for study and investiga- Page 1458 1458 1458 1459 1363 1363 1315 1332 1405 1405 1459 1459 1459 1387 1459 1459 1327 1408 1339 1459 1459 1354 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1531 1441 1459 1459 1426 1432 1430 tion------------------------ 1434 Sequin, William, pardon of------------ 1459 CXCIII