Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/581

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62 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-MILITARY AIR BASES-FEB. 24, 1948 United States of, the said Bases in accordance with the Bases Agreement; AND WHEREAS Heads of Agreement were initialled at Bermuda on February 11, 1946, with a view to the preparation and conclusion of an Agreement to give effect to these desires; AND WHEREAS Article XII (a) of those Heads of Agreement pro- vided that the two Governments should consult together and prepare an Agreement to give effect to the terms contained in those Heads of Agreement; Now, THEREFORE, the two Governments, having consulted accord- ingly, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I Bases open for civil use (1) The following Bases (hereinafter referred to as the "Regular "Regular Bases." Bases") will be open for regular use by civil aircraft, in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement: Kindley Field, Bermuda, Coolidge Field, Antigua, Beane Field, St. Lucia, Atkinson Field, British Guiana. (2) The following Bases (hereinafter referred to as the " ernate Alternate lte Bases." Bases") will be open for use by civil aircraft as weather alternates only, in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement: Carlson Field, Trinidad, Waller Field, Trinidad, Vernam Field, Jamaica. (3) The circumstances in which the Alternate Bases may be used as weather alternates shall be such as may be defined by rules estab- lished in that behalf by the International Civil Aviation Organiza- tion or, in the absence of such rules, by agreement between the two Governments. (4) If and so long as in a Territory where an Alternate Base is situ- ated, there is at any time no civil airport designated and available for regular use by scheduled international air services, the Alternate Base (or if there is more than one, the Alternate Base agreed between the Government of the Territory and the United States military authori- ties) shall be open for regular use by civil aircraft in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement and shall accordingly be deemed to be a Regular Base for the purposes of the present Agreement. (5) If either of the two Governments considers that experience or developments indicate the need for opening any of the Alternate Bases for regular use by civil aircraft or for closing any of the Regu- lar Bases to regular use by civil aircraft, such opening or closing of the Base or Bases concerned shall form the subject of discussions between the two Governments and shall not take place except by agree- 1861