Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/582

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. ment between the two Governments. This paragraph shall not be Post, p. 1864 construed as affecting any right conferred by Article VI of the present Agreement to limit or suspend civil air operations at the Bases or to impose restrictions of a temporary or continuing nature on the use of the Bases by civil aircraft. ARTICLE II Special provisions affecting the United States and the United Kingdom "The Two Free. doms Agreement. " 59 Stat. 1693. (1) Civil aircraft of the United States and of the United Kingdom shall be entitled to use the Bases on equally favorable terms. This paragraph shall not be construed as pertaining to traffic rights. (2) The exercise of the privileges granted by the present Agreement shall be without prejudice to rights granted by the Government of the United Kingdom or the Government of a Territory to any civil air carrier of the United States before the execution of the present Agreement, or to any renewals or extensions of those rights. (3) In the event of the termination of the Agreement between the two Governments, relating to air services between their respective territories, signed at Bermuda on February 11, 1946, its provisions and those of its Annex shall continue to apply to any traffic rights which civil air carriers of the United States may thereafter exercise at any of the Bases, until such time as the two Governments shall otherwise agree: Provided that the Government of the United States of America shall have the right, at any time after fifteen years from the date on which the present Agreement becomes effective, to notify to the Gov- ernment of the United Kingdom its desire that the provisions of the first mentioned Agreement and its Annex shall cease to apply, upon the date specified in the notification, to the traffic rights exercised by civil air carriers of the United States at any of the Bases, which date shall not be less than two years from the date of the notification, and, if such notification shall be given, such provisions shall cease to apply accordingly. ARTICLE III Use of Bases for non-traffic purposes (1) So long as the United States and the United Kingdom are parties to the International Air Services Transit Agreement, formulated at Chicago and opened for signature on December 7, 1944 (in this Article referred to as "the Two Freedoms Agreement"), the civil air- craft of all countries parties to the Two Freedoms Agreement may use the Bases for non-traffic purposes in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement and those of Article I of the Two Freedoms Agreement, and, if the United States so requests, those Bases will be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom under that Agreement for use by scheduled international air services of the United States. 1862