Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/821

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-GERMAN PROPERTY IN SPAIN-MAY 10,1948 LETTER NO. 5 MADRID, May 10, 1948 SIR: In the course of the negotiations which have terminated in the Accord signed today, the signatory Allied Governments have repre- sented that in parallel with arrangements concluded with other States in the matter, provision should be made, in accordance with their desire, for the treatment of any property found in Spain, the previous owners of which died during the war, victims of acts of brutality, leaving no known heirs. We understand that if such cases in relation to property in Spain are brought to its notice, the Spanish Govern- ment will use its best efforts with a view to handing the proceeds of such property to the Allied Governments in aid of the work of re- habilitation and resettlement to which, as we confirm our Govern- ments would devote any such receipts. We shall be grateful for your confirmation that such cases may be brought to notice accordingly. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our distinguished con- sideration. HAROLD M RANDALL 2103 Property of victims deceased without heirs. Ante, p. 2062. Post, p. 2105. Chief of Delegation of the United States of America F. DE PANArFBr. Chief of Delegationof France FRANCIS W MCCOMBE Chief of Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Excmo. Sr. D. EMILIO DE NAVASQUES Y Ruiz D* VELASCO, President of the Spanish Delegation, Madrid. MADRID, LETTRE Na 5 10 Mai de 1948 MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT, Au cours des negociations qui ont abouti a la Convention signee ce jour, les Gouvernements Allies signataires ont manifesto le d6sir de voir adopter, comme dans les accords passes a ce sujet avec d'autres Etats, certaines dispositions concernant des biens se trouvant en Espagne et appartenant a des proprietaires qui ont succombe pendant la guerre a des actes de violence sans laisser d'heritiers connus. Nous entendons preciser que le Gouvernement espagnol mettra tout en oeuvre pour que le produit de la liquidation des dits biens soit remis aux Gouvernements Allies en vue d'etre affecte a des oeuvres d'assis- tance et de reconstruction, oeuvres auxquelles nos Gouvernements s'engagent a consacrer les sommes recues a cette intention.