Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1517

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CCX Health and Sanitation-Continued Cooperative programs-Continued Haiti ........ _. . Honduras . . _________ Mexico -------- ...-- -- __ -__ _-- ___ Uruguay .-------------- 4108,4117, World Health Organization, constitution_ Honduras: Health and sanitation program, coopera- tive..._ _ ... .. ... _ __.___ .____ _ Postal Union, Universal--_ _ . --_ __ _ --- World Health Organization, constitution_ Hungary: National Bank of, gold transferred to ac- count of, inclusion in delivery by Bank for International Settlements to U. S., U. K., and France------ Postal Union, Universal-------------- Pai 264 390 397 412 267 390 315 267 267: 315, I ICAO. See International Civil Aviation Organization. Iceland: International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946---.------__ ... ... .- _ International Refugee Organization, constitution --------- _ ___ ___ ._-- Passport visas......________________. Postal Union, Universal ---- _-__.____ Trade, application of most-favored-na - tion treatment to occupied areas__ ILO. See International Labor Organiza- tion. Immigration and Naturalization Service, U. S ., migration of Mexican agricul- tural workers to U. S .

Import Restrictions, Quantitative, and Deferment of Payments, extension of agreement of June 24, 1947, Sweden India: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Final Act, accession of signatories, protocol ---------- .. .. .. - -- - _ Protocol modifying part II and article XXVI-.. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. .. Rectifications, second protocol of-. . - Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, estab- lishment ------------ ......... . _ International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946 .-------.....--- -- _ Postal Union, Universal ------ . _ _.__- Reparations from Germany, apportion- ment of shares with Pakistan --. _ Trade, application of most-favored-na- tion treatment to occupied areas of Western Germany----- _ __ _


3485 3037 3941 3157 2903 3887 2647 3663 3679 3671 3711 3485 3157 2613 3653 India-Continued Page World Health Organization, constitution_ 2679 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, establish- ment, multilateral --------------- _ 3711 Indochina: Postal Union, Universal ------- . - -- - _ 3157 Tan-Son-Nhut airport, facilities at, agreement with France----------- 4102 Institute of Inter-American Affairs: Educational program, cooperative- Guatemala (see also Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc.)-_ 4032 Panama ------------------------- 4084 Paraguay ------------------- 2824, 3447 Peru ------------------. -- ... -- . 3866 Food production program, cooperative- Costa Rica ---. ------. .. . . . ----- . 3916 Haiti ----------------------- 3950, 4029 Peru ----------. ----- ------- ----- 3584 Health and sanitation program, coopera- tion with- Bolivia -------------------------. 3920 Brazil -------------------------- 3831 Colombia-_---------------------- 3880 Ecuador ----------------- _------ 3927 Haiti.--------------------------- 2649 Honduras ----------------------- 3904 Mexico -----------.------------- 3978 Uruguay --------------- 4108, 4117, 4128 Inter-Allied Command in Vienna, civil ad- ministration --------------------- 4041 Inter-Allied Reparation Agency, appor- tionment of shares between India and Pakistan under Paris Agreement of Jan. 14, 1946 ------------------ _-_ 2613 Inter-American Affairs, Institute of. See Institute of Inter-American Affairs. Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc. (See also Institute of Inter- American Affairs), cooperative edu- cational program, Guatemala ----- _ 4008 Inter-American Highway, improvement of, agreement with Guatemala --------- 3923 Interior, Department of the, Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey, coop- eration with Brazil in mineral re- sources survey program ----------- 3636 International Civil Aviation Organization: Agreements, registration- Chile --------------------------- 3757 Italy-- ------------- .--- --.- ---- . 3734 Air service facilities in Italy, operation of. 4074 Council, settlement of disputes, ad- visory report- Chile --------------------------- 3758 Italy--------------------------- 3736 Rates, failure of agreement on, reference for advisory report- Chile .......... ...-------------- _ 3760 Italy-.- - ---------------------- 3746 INDEX