Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/63

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2668 U. S. Civil Aero- nautics Mission. Chief of Mission, etc. Durationofappoint- ments. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Cualquiera de las Partes Contratantes podra denunciar el presente Acuerdo por medio de notificaci6n escrita que solo tendra efecto sesenta dias despues de su presentaci6n a la otra parte. Esta comunicaci6n y la respuesta de Vuestra Sefioria en t6rminos anilogos, constituiran un Acuerdo sobre lo consignado en las clausulas precedentes. Con referencia a la clausula 4 de este Acuerdo es entendido que el numero inicial de Miembros de la Misi6n sera determinado de conformi- dad con las indicaciones del Ministerio de Comunicaciones de Venezuela V&lgome de esta oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Seiioria las seguridades de mi distinguida consideraci6n. ANDRiS ELOY BLANCO Al Honorable Sefor JOHN WILLARD CARRIGAN Encargado de Negocios ad-interim de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. Translation UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY SECTION OF INTER-AMERICAN RELATIONS No. 1053 CARACAS, March 22, 1948 MR. CHARGE D'AFFAIRES: For the purpose of providing technical assistance that will contribute to the development of Venezuelan civil aviation, and as a result of negotiations carried on between the competent agencies, the Govern- ment of the United States of Venezuela and the United States of America have agreed to conclude, by an exchange of notes, the agreement contained in the following clauses: 1. According to the availability of suitable technical experts and funds for this purpose, the Government of the United States of America will send to Venezuela a Civil Aeronautics Mission to advise the appropriate Venezuelan authorities on the technical aspects of civil aviation. 2. The Government of the United States of America will appoint a Chief of Mission who will represent the Mission before the Govern- ment of Venezuela, and its Members shall be responsible to that Chief. The members of the Mission shall act as technical advisers and not as executive agents, and at the request of the Ministry of Communications they will give their opinions on specific matters submitted to them. On their own initiative they may also give opin- ions on matters that so require; and their opinions shall have the char- acter of recommendations only. 3. The duration of the appointment of each technician shall be fixed in accordance with the requirements of the mission assigned to him, except that appointments may be of indefinite duration, subject to joint revision when this is legally and administratively possible.