Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1043

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 NAVAL OBSERVATORY For expenses necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Naval Observatory and its observation stations, including pay of employees, $504,400. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE For expenses necessary for the maintenance and operation of the Hydrographic Office and of the branch hydrographic offices, including pay of employees; hydrographic surveys; and purchase of nautical and aeronautical charts and publications, $4,466,000. SALARIES, OFFICE OF CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS For personal services at the seat of the government for the Office of Chief of Naval Operations, $1,477,500. SALARIES, OFFICE OF CHIEF OF NAVAL COMMUNIOATIONS For personal services at the seat of government for the Office of Chief of Naval Communications, $608,000. OFFICE OF JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL CLAIMS For payment of claims as provided in the Act of July 11, 1919 (34 U. S. C. 600), the Act of January 2, 1942 (31 U. S. C. 224d), the Act of July 3, 1944 (46 U. S . C. 797), the Act of November 15, 1945 (59 Stat. 582), the Act of December 28, 1945 (31 U. S . C . 222e, 223d), the Act of August 2, 1946 (28 U. S . C. 2672), and the Act of June 17, 1948 (Public Law 664, Eightieth Congress), $1,194,000. SALARIES For personal services at the seat of the government for the Office of Judge Advocate General, $335,700. OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH RESEARCH For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary in carrying out the Act of August 1, 1946 (5 U. S . C. 475), establishing the Office of Naval Research, $43,100,000: Provided,That not to exceed $1,000,000 of the unexpended balance of the funds made available under this head in the Naval Appropriation Act, 1947, shall remain available until June 30, 1950, for liquidation of obligations incurred thereunder during the fiscal year 1947. SALARIES For personal services at the seat of government for the Office of Naval Research, $1,336,000. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL PAY AND ALLOWANCES For pay, allowances, and quarters prescribed by law for naval personnel, including reserves on active duty as follows: Officers, active duty; midshipmen; enlisted personnel, active, includ- ing cash prizes for men for excellence in gunnery, target practice, communication, and engineering competition; men of the Fleet Reserve, inactive; nurses, female, active; six months' death gratuity, officers, nurses, and enlisted personnel; cash allowances for uniforms 41 Stat. 132; 55 Stat. 880. 34 U. S. C., Supp. II, §600. 68 Stat. 726; 69 Stat. 662. 60 Stat. 843; 62 Stat. 983. 28 U. S. C., Supp. II, 2672. Ante, pp. 62,106. 62 Stat. 474. 39 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 136. 60 Stat. 779. Liquidation of ob- ligatlons. 60 Stat. 482. 1005