Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1044

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 Enlisted person or civil employees as household servants. for officers; clothing furnished annually to enlisted personnel or cash in lieu thereof; civilian clothing, including an overcoat when neces- sary, the cost of all not to exceed $30 per person to enlisted personnel given discharges for bad conduct, undesirability, unsuitability, or inaptitude; purchase of medals, crosses, bars, emblems, and other insignia; miscellaneous items, including interest on deposits by enlisted personnel; commuted rations; money allowances for subsist- ence and quarters of enlisted personnel when not furnished quarters or subsistence in kind, and for enlisted personnel absent from messes on temporary duty not involving travel (during which time all other subsistence shall be stopped), $1,076,629,000: Provided, That, except in the case of those who have specifically enlisted for such duty, those performing service in the quarters of female officers, and those per- forming service in the residence or quarters of naval attaches abroad as authorized by the Secretary, no appropriation contained in this title shall be available for the pay, allowances, or other expenses of any enlisted person or civilian employee performing service in the residence or quarters of an officer or officers on shore as a cook, waiter, or other work of a character performed by a household servant, but nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the voluntary employ- ment in any such capacity of a retired enlisted man or a transferred member of the Fleet Reserve without additional expense to the Gov- ernment, nor the sale of meals to officers by general messes on shore as regulated by detailed instructions from the Department of the Navy. TRANSPORTATION AND RECRUITING For mileage and actual and necessary expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized by law to officers, nurses, and midshipmen ecret documents. while traveling under orders, and the cost of a compartment or such other accommodations as may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for security when secret documents are transferred by officer messenger or when valuable naval property is transported as hand baggage by personnel of the Naval Establishment, transportation of enlisted personnel and applicants for enlistment at home and abroad, transportation of prisoners, and insane supernumerary patients to hospitals, all with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof- expenses of funeral escorts of naval personnel and apprehen- sion and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway, steam- Transportation of ship, and airway guides and expenses incident to transportation; trans- dpendents. portation of dependents of officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy including those of retired and Reserve officers and of retired and Reserve enlisted personnel of grades entitled to transportation of dependents in the Regular Navy when ordered to active duty (other than training) and upon release therefrom; for actual expenses of officers and midshipmen while on shore-patrol duty, including the hire of automobiles when necessary for the use of the shore-patrol detachment; for all necessary expenses for recruiting for the naval service, including lodging and subsistence of applicants, rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same, and adver- tising for and obtaining men; and personal services of field employees necessary for recruiting purposes, $32,000,000. TRAINING AND EDUCATION For maintenance and operation of naval training and educational activities; including rent and pay of employees in the field service, professors, instructors, and lecturers; annuity premiums under the 49 Sst. 1092 Act of January 16, 1936 (34 U. S . C . 1073); postgraduate instruction of officers; individual training of officers and enlisted personnel at [63 STAT.