Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1045

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 home and abroad; and other necessary expenses of training and edu- cating naval personnel not otherwise provided for, $13,200,000. WELFARE For libraries and library expenses for ships and shore stations not otherwise provided for; and welfare and recreation of the Navy (to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary), $1,750,000. OFFICER CANDIDATE TRAINING For expenses incident to the conduct of officer candidate training, as authorized by the Act of August 13, 1946 (34 U. S . C . 1020), and of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps under such regulations as the President may prescribe under the provisions of section 22 of the Act approved March 4, 1925, as amended (34 U. S. C. 821), and for expenses incident to active duty training, as officer candidates, of mem- bers of the Naval Reserve (other than aviation cadets), $14,700,000: Provided, That during the current fiscal year a cash allowance of not to exceed fifty dollars may be paid to each regular Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps midshipman for required books. GENERAL EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Bureau of Naval Personnel not other- wise provided for, including pay of employees in the field service, rent of buildings and offices, expenses of prisoners, maintenance and operation of prisons, disciplinary barracks and retraining commands, trophies, badges, medals, and engraving of medals, $2,070,000. NAVAL RESERVE For all expenses not otherwise provided for, authorized by the Naval Reserve Act of 1938, as amended (34 U. S . C . 852), and the Naval Avia- tion Cadet Act of 1942, as amended (34 U. S. C. 850a), in connection with organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, training, and drilling the Naval Reserve, including designing, purchasing, and engraving of medals and trophies, and rental, maintenance, and opera- tion of such shore stations as may be required in connection with Naval Reserve Activities, $127,000,000: Provided, That this appropriation also shall be available for such of the objects and purposes specified under the appropriations "Pay and allowances", "Subsistence", and "Transportation and recruiting", as are authorized by law for per- sonnel of the Naval Reserve on active or inactive duty in connection with organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, training, and drilling the Naval Reserve. NAVAL AOADEMY For expenses necessary for maintenance and operation of the Naval Academy, including such amounts, not otherwise provided for, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act of January 16, 1936 (34 U. S . C. 1073); and expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, $5,190,000, of which amount $2,000 shall be available exclusively for the care of a collection of ship models. NAVAL HOMIE For all salaries and expenses as authorized by law (31 U. S. C. 725h, 24 U. S. C. 21a), necessary for the maintenance and operation of the Naval Home, $397,000. 1007 60 Stat. 1057. 34U.S.0.§f1020- 10201; Supp. II, 1020a et seq. 43 Stat. 1276. Cash allowance. 52 Stat. 1175. 56 Stat. 737. Availability of ap- propriation. Ante, pp. 100, 1006; port, p. 1010. 49 Stat. 1092. 48 Stat. 129,60 Stat. 854.