Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1334

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued Pag, Coronado National Forest, Ariz., funds available for purchase of lands; ad- dition of lands to -- _-----------_ 607 Cotton. See separatetitle. Cotton statistics, provision for collec- tion and publication ------------ 278 Cultural surveys, restriction on use of funds for -------------- _-----. 32- Dairy Industry, Bureau of, appropria- tion for -- __. ___ ___---------- 256, 333 Desert Laboratory, Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station, funds available for improvements_ 607 Disaster loans, authority------ __ _ _ _ _ _ 43, 44 Disbursement, Division of, Treasury Department, transfer of funds to-- 358 East Tawas, Mich., exchange of lands-- 925 Eden project, Wyo., completion of con- struction authorized; allotment of moneys; appropriation author- ized ---------- _----------_ _ 277,278 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of- Appropriation for-------_ -- -- -- -- -- 82, 256, 334, 335, 578, 745 State, etc., cooperation requirements for control of certain diseases - - 335 Experiment Stations, Office of- Appropriation for ------------- _ 256, 330 Report to Congress on administration of grants and coordination of re- search with States ---------- _- -_ 331 Extension Service, appropriation for_ 256, 328 Farm Credit Administration. See sepa- rate title. Farm housing. See under Housing. Farm labor camps, disposition to public or semipublic agencies or nonprofit associations of farmers, time exten- sion --.------------------.--- 144 Farm Tenant Act. See separate title. Farmers' Home Administration. See separate title. Farming materials, appropriation for purchase ------------ _ _ -- -- -- -_ 342 Federal Crop Insurance Act. See sepa- rate title. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. See separate title. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, appropriation for; aggregate amount of bonds outstanding -_ _ 347 Federal intermediate credit banks- Appropriation for- ----- ----- _ 257, 347 Classification Act of 1949, nonappli- cability ...-- -- -- -- . ... _---- - 956 Federal land banks, reduction in ap- propriation -- _- ----- ------ ----_ 348 Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page Field offices, restriction on use of funds for ----------- _- ------- ------ 327 Fish, restriction on use of funds for work relating to ---------------------- 326 Flood control, appropriation for- _

340 Flood damage, appropriation for loans to farmers ----------- __-------_ 82 Foot-and-mouth disease- Eradication, appropriation for ------ 332 Repayment to Commodity Credit Corporation for expenses, ap- propriation for_____


744 Research facilities, appropriation for_ 239 Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of- Aliens, employment of ----------- _ 348 Appropriation for ------------- _ 256, 328 Foreign excess property, disposal, deter- mination respecting importation __ 398 Forest-fire prevention, appropriation authorized-- _---------_

909 Appropriation for-----_ --_ --------- 339 Limitation on programs under other legislation---_ -- --- -- --- --- --_ 910 Forest growth, protection, education respecting, appropriation author- ized ------------------------- __ 910 Appropriation for----------------- 339 Forest Pest Control Act, appropriation for ..... -- --


239,335,336 Forest pests, control of, appropriation for ----- _------_____ 239,256,335,336 Forest Service- Appropriation for------ _ 239, 256, 337, 874 Buildings, cost limitation --- .. -- . 337, 339 Chief Forester, increase in basic com- pensation-------------------- 881 Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission, action as research and coordinating agency for --- 273 Oklahoma, acquisition of lands in certain counties, approval of Boards of County Commission- ers, requirement---------------339 Reforestation and revegetation, forest and range lands, provision for; appropriation authorized__ 762, 763 Telephone lines, interference by transmission lines, funds avail- able for correction ------- _---- 338 Forest survey, provision for; appropri- ation authorized----------------- 271 Appropriation for-_---___----_---_ 338 Forest-tree seeds and plants, distribu- tion, etc., appropriation author- ized ------------------------- _ 909 Appropriation for ---- _-------_---_ 339 Fur farmers, loans to, authority-----_ 43 IV