Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1341

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Aliens. See also Citizenship and Naturali- zation; Immigrants, Admission for Permanent Residence. Agricultural labor, foreign, agreements respecting employment, funds for cooperation of Social Security Administration with Immigration and Naturalization Service and Secretary of State---__________ - Alaska game law, amendment, residence and citizenship --- __________ -_ Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, entrance under without regard to regulations, conditions ---- ___..-- Claims based on loss or damage of property deposited by, payment authorized-_-------_... Appropriation authorized--- _ - -- - - - Appropriation for ------ _-________ Crews of certain foreign vessels, ap- propriation available for expenses_ Deportation and exclusion, appropria- tion for -- _- --

____ Deportation suspensions, concurrent resolutions respecting --- _______ __ 1221, 1223, 1226, 1230, 1232, 1240, 1242, 1244, 1247. Employment, Government. See Citizen- ship requirements, employees, under Government Departments and Agencies. Enemy aliens, detention and mainte- nance, appropriation for Depart- ment of Justice ---------------- Fiancees or fiances of veterans or mem- bers of armed forces, completion of processing of visa cases, etc., authority---------------------- Proclamation amending regulations re- lating to control of aliens entering or leaving United States---- . .. . . Veterans of U. S . armed forces, eligibil- ity for naturalization, substitution of section 334 (c) for 334 (e) in pro- visions of Nationality Act of 1940_ All-American Canal, appropriation for - - Allegheny County, Pa., payment to. -- --- Allegretti, Giovanni, deportation suspen- sion----- __---____--____-______.. Alley Dwelling Authority Act, D. C ., ap- propriation for maintenance and op- eration of properties under- _ _ _ - _ _ _ Almonds, marketing agreements and or- ders, issuance, authority of Secretary of Agriculture ------------.. . _- -_ Aloia, Salvatore, deportation suspension - Alter, Mollie, deportation suspension- -- Altmann, Anton Frederick (Friedrich), deportation suspension --------.. - Pag 74. 54 21, 1; 45E 102i 459 1219 1234 460 56 1289 282 782 55 1242 647 282 1219 1234 12471 e Alvear, Manuel (Manuel Alvear Rabanal or Ravenada), deportation suspen- sion ------------____-________-__ Alves, Domingos Esteves, deportation suspension -- _------________-___. Aman, Eigene Vites, deportation suspen- sion -_ __ _ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ -_ Amanatides, Erasmia (Erasmia Soni- 1 kides), deportation suspension ----- Ambassadors and Ministers. See Foreign 6 Service under State, Department of. American Battle Monuments Commission, appropriation for; contract authoriza- 2 tion ------- _________________ American Foreign Policy, printing of "A Decade of American Foreign Policy: 2 Basic Documents, 1941-1949" as Senate document ----------------- 8 American Historical Association, appro- priation for printing report ------- 2American Horse, Jessie, proceeds of sale of trust allotment of Returns War- 9 rior, disbursement to ----- .- __--__ American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, appropri- ation for contribution -..------ __-- American Legion, patent renewal ---- ___ American Legion, Sons of, patent re- newal--------------_ _ __ _ _ -_ _ __ _ . - American Legion Auxiliary, patent re- newal --------- __-_____--__ .. ___ American Printing House for the Blind, appropriation for --- --. .... .... ... American Republics: Air Force, Department of the, appro- priation for expenses of inter- American cooperation ---- _ ..---- Army, Department of the, appropria- tion for inter-American relations. Navy, Department of the, appropri- ation for expenses for Latin-Ameri- can cooperation...--------...... State, Department of, transfer of funds for cooperation with----- ....-- -- American River Development, inclusion in Central Valley project, Calif ___. American Samoa, uniform of U. S . armed forces, applicability of protection provisions ----------.. .... .... ... . Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, appropri- ation for-------------------_ _ __ _ _ Amezcua, Guadalupe (Guadalupe Chavez De Samaniego), deportation suspen- sion-- ----------- __- --- -_______- Ammirato, Rose Mary, payment to legal guardian of; repeal of prior legisla- tion-----------------------.__ Amoruso, Graia, deportation suspension_ - Page 1242 1247 1234 1234 633 1252 649 1210 449 1121 1122 1122 284 1014 989 1004 262 852 91 646 1223 1080 1219 INDEX XI