Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1342

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INDEX AMVETS, installation of carillon in Arlington National Cemetery; ac- ceptance by U. S. Government- -- Anadarko, Okla., Indian arts and crafts building, appropriation for----- __ - Anchorage, Alaska, construction author- ized __------------_____________- Andavazo, Felix, deportation suspension_ Andersen, Helge Viggo, deportation sus- pension _------_-_--____________.. Andersen, Knud Kaspar, deportation sus- pension -_--_------_____________- Anderson, Albert Lorenzo, deportation suspension-----_-----_______-____ Anderson, Asta Emily Regine (Asta Emilie Andresen or Asta Olafsen or Asta Andresson), deportation sus- pension __- -- - --- ___- --- -- ________ Anderson, Axel Hjalmar (Axel Hjalmar Carlsson), deportation suspension_ - Anderson, Edwin B., relief from liability - Anderson, Jennie Olsen, payment to --- Anderson, Lillian I., conveyance to -- ___ Anderson, Mary Elvera, deportation sus- pension ----------- - --- __ -- _____ Anderson, Neoniella, Ermakova, deporta- tion suspension. --- -- --- -- - ____ ___ Anderson, Phena M., issuance of patent in fee to ---.--- -- -- ___ ___ ___ _ Anderson, Rita, cancellation of warrant of arrest, etc ------------- ..- -- -- __ Anderson Ranch Dam, Idaho, appropria- tion for construction ----------- ___ Andiaarena, Fermin Jorajuria, admission for permanent residence ___________ Andiaarena, Francisco Jorajuria, admis- sion for permanent residence-------. Andresen, Hans Kristian, deportation sus- pension ------------_ _______ _._ _. Andrianos, Panagiotis Stauros (Peter), deportation suspension ----_-_ _ __ _- Angel Island, Calif., conveyance to Federal Works Agency in------- _ __ __ __ _.. Angeles National Forest, Calif., acquisi- tion of land for, appropriation for -- .. Angland, Thomas (Dr.), payment to -- _ Angostura Unit, Missouri Basin Project, completion of land development and settlement, authorized ---- ________ Anguiano-Alcazar, Felix (Agustin Valencia or Agustin Valencia Anguiano or Felix Anguiano or Felix Anguaino), deportation suspension ----- . . . -- .. Anhydrous Ammonia, production by De- partment of Army, authority------- Animal Husbandry, appropriation for in- Page 90, 77: 93i 122: 123' 1247 1234 1219 1247 1077 1108 1205 1230 1242 1093 1096 780 1079 1079 1223 1240 183 340 1159 725 1247 713 vestigations, etc ---------------- 256, 331 Animal Industry, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Animals, importation; permits; specimens for museums, amendment of Criminal Code provisions respecting ________- Anjewierden, Dirk, deportation suspen- sion _........................... Annapolis, Md., three-hundredth anniver- sary, issuance of commemorative stamp___

____________.__- Anniston, Ala., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of_______________ Annotated Constitution of the United States, appropriation for revision and extension ----------------------- Anthracite. See Mines and Mining; Mines, Bureau of, under Interior, Depart- ment of the. Anthracite Coal Research Laboratory, Pa., appropriation for construction; con- tract authorization - _- _ - -- ___ ___ __ Anthropological Researches: American Indians and natives of lands under U. S . protection, cooperation by Smithsonian Institution, author- ity----- -. __ . .......--------- - Appropriation for ------- _-------___ Antitrust Division. See under Justice, De- partment of. Antitrust Laws: Applicability with respect to certain property transfers under Federal Property and Administrative Serv- ices Act of 1949-- ------- _____ Appropriation for enforcement --- ___- Antzoulatos, Gerasimos (Gerry or Jerry Angel), deportation suspension--- _ _ . Aoki, Sadae, admission for permanent residence ------------------ _- _ _ .. Apell, Karin Guborg Dagmar, deportation suspension --------------- .- .. __. Apessos, Ioannis Pndelis (John P. Apessos), deportation suspension---. Appeals, Courts of. See under United States Courts. Appelthaler, Katerina, deportation sus- pension ------------. - -- - -- ___-__ Appelthaler, Kurt Robert, deportation suspension --- ___ -- ______________ Apple Production Other Than Commercial Crop, estimates, restriction on use of funds for --

______________ Apprenticeship, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Appropriation Acts. See also Appropria- tions. Agriculture, Department of ... .-- -- ___ Army, Department of the, civil func- tions...

_______________ Commerce, Department of-----_ __._ _ Page 89 1234 14 471 226 789 623 649 391 458 1245 1128 1240 1247 1247 1247 328 324 845 462 XII