Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1346

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Aransas County Airport, Tex., appropria- Page tion for claim under Federal Air- port Act ------------------------ 745 Araya, Luis Alberto y Franc (Luis Alberto Araya), deportation suspension----- _ 1230 Arbitration, International, Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Pro- motion of, appropriation for con- tribution ------------------------- 449 Arbitration, International Bureau of Per- manent Court of, appropriation for contribution --------------------- 450 Arbitration and Emergency Boards, Na- tional Mediation Board, appropri- ation for ----------------- 235, 297, 977 Arboretum, National, appropriation for_ 256, 334 Archeological Remains in River Basins, investigations and studies, appropri- ation for ---------------------- 243, 793 Architect of the Capitol: Appropriation for------------------- 77, 223, 232, 253, 739, 870, 975 Assistant, increase in basic compensa- tion-------- _----------------- 881 Capitol building- House Wing, appropriation for im- provements; contract authority__ 77 Senate Wing, appropriation for im- provements ---------- __------ 224 Capitol Power Plant- Appropriation for ---------- 224, 232 , 975 Improvements, authority----------- 933 Appropriation for --------------- 975 Claims, Court of, funds for repairs and improvements------------------- 470 Classification Act of 1949, provisions respecting applicability ------- 954, 957 Compensation, basic, increase in------ 881 District of Columbia, appropriation for repairs and improvements to U. S. Courts ----------------------- 473 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, inclusion of Architect in term "the Senate and the House of Representatives"_- - - 920 Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 229 Supreme Court building and grounds, funds for care of ---------------- 470 Travel expenses, funds for---------- 224, 232 Archives, National. See National Ar- chives under General Services Ad- ministration. Arco, Idaho, transfer of Navy facilities to Atomic Energy Commission -------- 634 Arctic Ionosphere Observation Stations, transfer of surplus equipment from Departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force for--------------------- 468 Ardmore, Okla., clerk of U. S . District Page Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of--------------- 471 Arellano, Domingo, Jr. (Dominic Arel- lano), deportation suspension ------ 1247 Arellano, Domingos Ramos, deportation suspension ----------------------- 1247 Arellano, Innocencio, deportation suspen- sion --------------------------- _ 1247 Arellano, Juan (John Arellano), deporta- tion suspension-------------------- 1247 Arellano, Soledad Valadez (Soledad Maria Valadez), deportation suspension 1247 Arena, Francesco, deportation suspension_ 1223 Argentina, trade agreement, supplemen- tary proclamation respecting flaxseed- 1275 Arias-Perez, Jose Angel, deportation sus- pension-----___---------_---_---_ 1230 Arid and Semiarid Areas, conservation, increase in limitation on expenditures for any one project---------------- 171 Arizmendi, Domingo Acosta, payment to estate of------------------------- 1121 Arizona: Camp Verde, public school facilities, availability of funds for ----- _---_ 773 Coconino National Forest, mining loca- tions within, rights in connection with; limitations---------------- 75 Davis Dam project, appropriation for_ 85, 782 Gila project. See separate title. Indians- Construction, etc., of buildings------ 773 Fort Apache Reservation, museum, appropriation for ------------- 771 Navajo Reservation, availability of funds for use at Tohatchi and Kayenta ------------------- . 773 Irrigation projects, appropriation for-_ 773 Parker Dam power project, appropria- tion for---- ---- . -- --- - 258, 780, 782 Tucson, Sisters of Saint Joseph in Arizona, Inc., sale of certain lands to--- ------------------------ 606 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact, consent of Congress ----- ___----_ 31 Yuma auxiliary project. See separate title. Yuma County, funds available for con- veyance in connection with Morelos Diversion Dam ---------------- 250 Yuma project, appropriation for-_ 258,780 Arizona-Nevada Constructors, appropria- tion for payment to----- ---------- 783 Arkansas: Fort Smith, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and con- trol of certain lands -------. ----. 181 XVI INDEX