Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1348

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Army, Department of the-Continued Page Charleston, S. C .-Continued Release from certain restrictions and conditions on lands conveyed to; conveyance to-------------- 169, 170 Chemical Corps- Appropriation for-------------- 997, 1003 Chief, Office of- Appropriation for -------------- 1003 Limitation on obligations and ex- penditures ----------------- 1025 Chief of Staff, Office of- Appropriation for --------------- _ 1003 Limitation on expenditures and ob- ligations --------------------- Citizenship requirements, employees--- Civil Aeronautics Administration, trans- 1025 851 fer of aircraft, equipment, and facilities to, authority ___ -- -- -_ 464, 465 Civil functions, appropriation for----- 86, 245, 260, 711, 746, 845 Civil Functions Appropriation Act ----- 845 Claims, appropriation for payment - _- 711, 849, 852, 988, 991, 997 Clothing and equipage- Appropriation for ---------------- _ 992 Limitation on expenditures and ob- ligations ----------- _-------_ 1024 Coast Guard, cooperation with ------- _ 506 Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., funds for --------

_ 260, 998 Comptroller of the Army, and Deputy Comptroller, establishment------- 586 Construction- Limitation on-------------------- 996 Military, appropriation for ------ 979, 996 Limitation on expenditures and obligations ---------------- Contingencies, Army, appropriation for- Contingent expenses- Appropriation for --------------- Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations_ --- ---- _-__.-____... Contracts, war, financing of, funds available ------------- _-----_- Courts martial, appropriation for ex- penses-----__________ ________. Dallas, Tex., transfer of designated building and site to Federal Works Agency------_ ____________ __. Dependents, transportation on change of station---._____-__________- Deserters, appropriation for apprehen- sion -__----________________-- Engineer Service- Construction of buildings and facil- ities, availability of funds - _ _- Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations---- --. ..

___.___ 1024 988 1003 1025 1021 990 183 1018 990 245 1024 Army, Department of the-Continued Page Engineers, Chief of- Appropriation for Office of ------ 86, 1003 Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations for salaries ----------- _ 1025 Engineers, Corps of- Appropriation for------------------ 86, 245, 746, 846, 979, 995, 1003 Arkansas River Compact Adminis- tration, collaboration of Chief, request for ------------------ _ 151 Construction of buildings and facil- ities, availability of funds ------- 245 Flood control. See under Rivers and Harbors. Military construction, appropriation for-__---------------------- 979 Philippine rehabilitation, time exten- sion of certain provisions of Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946----------------------- 692 Power marketing, southeastern, ap- propriation for Department of Interior --------------------- 766 Reclamation, Bureau of, cooperation in investigations ------------- _ 779 Rivers and harbors. See separate title. Specialists, technicians, etc., employ- ment authorization ----------- 852 Surveys, etc., unauthorized, restric- tion ---- _ ------------------- 847 Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Reservation, N. Dak., title to cer- tain lands, designation of member of board of appraisal ----------- 1027 Transfer of funds -------- -- .. -- - - 979 Enlisted man in need of treatment for service-connected injury, etc., on expiration of enlistment, retention in service------------------.-- -- 560 Expediting production, obligations under contracts for, funds avail- able -------------------------- 86 Field exercises, appropriation for ----. 988 Finance, Chief of- Appropriation for

1003 Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations -- _-----------------_ 1025 Finance Department, appropriation for_ 245, 989, 991 Fiscal procedures ------------------- 585 Fish and Wildlife Service, transfer of aircraft, vessels, etc., to, authority_ Flood control. See under Rivers and Harbors. Folsom Dam and Reservoir, construo- tion; inclusion in American River development ____ -- --


--_ 798 853 XVIII INDEX