Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/340

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302 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 278-JUNE 29, 1949 [63 STAT. who, under authority of law, now perform engineering duty on shore only are hereby made additional to the numbers in the grades in which they are now serving, and shall be carried as additional to the numbers of each grade to which they may hereafter be promoted: Provided, That said officers shall be entitled to all the benefits of retirement under existing or future laws equally with other officers of like rank and service." The second paragraph under the subheading "Contingent, Navy", 34u. .0. 223. of the Act of March 3, 1915, which appears on page 930, volume 38, Statutes at Large, and which reads as follows: "Hereafter officers who now perform engineering duty on shore only and officers of the Construction Corps shall be eligible for any shore duty compatible with their rank and grade to which the Secre- tary of the Navy may assign them." The ninth paragraph under the subheading "Improvement of Con- struction Plants" of the Act of March 3, 1915, which appears on page 34 .s .c . }83note. 945, volume 38, Statutes at Large, and which reads as follows: "Officers of the line of the Navy who have had not less than three years' service in the grade of ensign and have taken or are taking satisfactorily a post-graduate course in naval architecture under orders from the Secretary of the Navy shall be eligible for transfer to the grade of assistant naval constructors: Provided,That there shall not be more than five such transfers in any one calendar year and that the total increase in the number of naval constructors and assistant naval constructors by reason of such transfers shall not exceed twenty-four." The following portions of the Act of August 29, 1916, chapter 417, volume 39, Statutes at Large, page 556: 34U.S.0.1741- (a) Paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21, and 23 748 note. under the heading "Naval Flying Corps" in such chapter, which appear on pages 582, 583, 584,585, and 586. (b) The last full paragraph, as amended, under the heading "Naval Militia and National Naval Volunteers" in such chapter, which is the 34 U. .8. 153. fourth full paragraph on page 600. (c) So much of the third paragraph under the subheading "Increase of the Navy, ammunition" in such chapter, as it appears 34 U. s.0. 51l. on pages 617 and 618, and which reads as follows: "That each and every employee of the navy yards, gun factories, naval stations, and arsenals of the United States Government is hereby granted thirty days' leave of absence each year, without for- feiture of pay dluring such leave: Provided further, That it shall be lawful to allow pro rata leave only to those serving twelve consecutive months or more: And provided further, That in all cases the heads of divisions shall have discretion as to the time when the leave can best be allowed: And provided further, That not more than thirty days' leave with pay shall be allowed any such employee in one year: Pro- vided further, That this provision shall not be construed to deprive employees of any sick leave or legal holidays to which they may now be entitled under existing law." So much of the first paragraph under the heading "Pay, Miscel- laneous" of the Act of July 1, 1918, which appears on page 705, volume 34 U.S.C. ,SuppII, 40, Statutes at Large, and which reads as follows: "Provided, That hereafter the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and pay the amounts due on all claims for damages to and loss of private property of inhabitants of any European country not an enemy or ally of an enemy when the amount of the claim does not exceed the sum of $1,000, occasioned and caused by men in the naval service during the period of the present war, all payments in settlement of such claims to be made out of 'Pay, Miscellaneous'." 34u.S.C. c 7 Paragraph 6 of section 3 (Personnel) of the Act of June 24, 1926 (44 Stat. 767).