Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/228

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 1523 Chapter 16 Relations of Consultative Committees Between Themselves and with Other International Organizations 1. International Consultative Committees may form joint Study Groups to study and make recommendations on questions of common interest. 2. Any Consultative Committee may appoint a representative to attend, in an advisory capacity, meetings of other committees of the Union or other international organizations to which this Consultative Committee has been invited. 3. The Secretary General of the Union, or one of the two Assistant Secretaries General, the representatives of the International Fre- quency Registration Board, and the Directors of the other Consultative Committees of the Union or their representatives may attend meetings of the Consultative Committees in an advisory capacity. Chapter 17 Finances of International Consultative Committees 1. The salaries of the Directors of the International Consultative salarie Committees, including the salary of the Vice-Director of the C.C.I.R ., and the ordinary expenses of the specialized secretariats shall be included in the ordinary expenses of the Union in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Convention. Ane, p. 1431 . 2. The expenses of the meetings of the Plenary Assemblies and of Meetings, etc. the meetings of the Study Groups, including the extraordinary ex- penses of the Directors, the Vice-Director of the C.C.I .R., and of the whole of the Secretariat employed at such meetings shall be borne in the manner described below, by the administrations, private operat- ing agencies and scientific or manufacturing organizations partici- pating in such meetings. 3. An administration wishing to take part in the work of a Con- sultative Committee shall address a declaration to that effect to the Secretary General. This declaration shall include an undertaking to contribute to the extraordinary expenses of that Committee as set forth in the preceding paragraph, and also to pay for all documents supplied. This undertaking shall take effect as from the close of the meeting of the Plenary Assembly preceding the date of the declaration and shall remain in force until terminated by the administration con- cerned. Any notice of termination shall take effect as from the close of the meeting of the Plenary Assembly following the date of such notice. An administration giving notice of termination shall, however, be entitled to receive all documents pertaining to the last meeting of the Plenary Assembly held during the period of validity of its undertaking. 81939-52-PT. --- 16