Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/498

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mW STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (Chapter XI, art. 24 RR) (503-508) 503 § 2. (1) In the case of complete unavailability of the operator in the course of a sea passage, a flight or a journey, the master or the person responsible for the station may authorize, solely as a temporary measure, an operator holding a certificate issued by a-- _nothr . ntr.r.i: (gvernmentlto perform the radiocommunication service. t:- ^AeA(. c I*d*v Of ' 504 (2) When it is necessary to employ as a temporary Ud;" operator a person without a certificate or an operator not holding an adequate certificate, his performance as such must be limited solely to signals of distress, urgency and safety, messages relating thereto, messages relating directly to the safety of life, urgent messages relating to movement of the ship and essential messages relating to the navigation and safe movement of the aircraft. Persons employed in these cases are bound by the provisions of 508 regarding the secrecy of correspondence. 505 (3) In all cases, such temporary operators must be replaced as soon as possible by operators holding the certifi- cate prescribed in § 1 of this article. 506 § 3. (1) Each administration takes the necessary steps to prevent, to the maximum extent possible, the fraudulent use of certificates. For this purpose, such certificates shall bear the signature of the holder and shall be authenticated by the stamp of the issuing administration. Administrations may employ, if they wish, other means of authentication such as the photograph of the holder, etc. 507 (2) In order to facilitate the verification of certificates these carry, if necessary, in addition to the text in the national language a translation of this text in a language widely used in international relations. 508 §4. Each administration takes the necessary steps to place operators under the obligation to preserve the secrecy of correspondence as provided for in 490. 1795