Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/650

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(3 STAT.] IULTILATERAI-TELECO(MMINICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 (Chapter XVI, art. 42, 43 RR) (1006-1012) technical qualifications of the operators and to the conditions under which these stations must work. 1006 § 5. (1) All the general rules of the Convention and of the present Regulations shall apply to amateur stations. In par- ticular, the transmitting frequency must be as constant and as free from harmonics as the state of technical development for stations of this nature permits. 1007 (2) During the course of their transmissions amateur stations must transmit their call sign at short intervals. ARTICLE 43 Experimental Stations 1008 § 1. (1) An experimental station may enter into communi- cation with an experimental station of another country only after it has been authorized to do so by its administration. Each administration notifies other administrations concerned - when such authorizations are issued. 1009 (2) The administrations concerned determine by spe- cial arrangement the conditions under which communications may be established. 1010 § 2. (1) In experimental stations any person operating radiotelegraph apparatus, either on his own account or for another, must have proved his ability to transmit and to receive by ear, texts in Morse code signals. 1011 (2) Administrations shall take such steps as they think necessary to verify the qualifications, from the technical point of view, of any person operating the apparatus of an experi- mental station. 1012 § 3. The administrations concerned fix the maximum power of experimental stations, having regard to the condi- tions under which the stations are to work. 81939 0--52-PT. II 42 1947