Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/115

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65 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 51—JUNE 19, 1951


such time as the Commission shall be appointed, in accordance with this paragraph, there shall be established a National Security Training Corps. " (4) The term of office of each member of the Commission shall be five years, except that (A) the terms of office of the members first taking office shall expire, as designated by the President at the time of appointment, two at the end of two years, one at the end of three years, one at the end of four years, and one at the end of five years, after the date of enactment of this paragraph; and (B) any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members of the Commission, other than active members of the Regular components of the Armed Forces, while actually serving with the Commission, shall receive a per diem of not to exceed $50 for each day engaged in the business of the Commission and shall be allowed transportation and a per diem in lieu of subsistence of $9 while away from their homes or places of business pursuant to such business. "(5) The Commission shall, subject to the direction of the President, exercise general supervision over the training of the National Security Training Corps, which training shall be basic military training. The Commission shall establish such policies and standards with respect to the conduct of the training of members of the National Security Training Corps as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. The Commission shall make adequate provisions for the moral and spiritual welfare of members of the National Security Training Corps. The Secretary of Defense shall designate the military departments to carry out such training. Each military department so designated shall carry out such military training in accordance with the policies and standards of the Commission. The military department or departments so designated to carry out such military training shall, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and subject to the policies and standards established by the Commission, determine the type or types of basic military training to be given to members of the National Security Training Corps. " (6) The Commission is authorized, subject to the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1949, to employ and fix the compensation 5 U. S. 9M. § 1071 ^3 Stat. C. of such officers and employees as it deems necessary to enable it to note. perform its functions. " (7) Not later than four months following confirmation of the mem- mMid^tkmr to^^c™' bers of the Commission, the Commission shall submit to the Congress gress.* legislative recommendations which shall include, but not be limited to— " (A) a broad outline for a program deemed by the Commission and approved by the Secretary of Defense to be appropriate to assure that the training carried out under the provisions of this Act shall be of a military nature, but nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to grant to the Commission the authority to prescribe the basic type or types of military training to be given members of the National Security Training Corps; " (B) measures for the personal safety, health, welfare and morals of members of the National Security Training Corps; " (C) a code of conduct, together with penalties for violation thereof; " (D) measures deemed necessary to implement the policies and standards established under the provisions of paragraph (5) of this subsection; and " (E) disability and death benefits and other benefits, and the obligations, duties, liabilities, and responsibilities, to be granted