Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1270

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House of Representatives—Continued Page Housing—Continued Page Sergeant a t Arms, appropriation for F a r m housing loans— office of 468 Appropriation authorized 604 Speaker— Appropriation for 349, 360 Appointments by— Contribution c o m m i t m e n t s 604 Commonwealth Parliamentary AsIssuance of notes and obligations for sociation, four M e m b e r s as loan funds 604 delegates to B64 Preferences for veterans and families of deceased servicemen, continI n a u g u r a t i o n of President-elect, uation of emergency powers 56, ' three M e m b e r s to joint committee on arrangements B4 96, 137, 296, 332 Automobile, appropriation for 470 Federal Housing Administration— Office of, appropriation for 467 Availability of funds 115, 124,416 Speaker's table, appropriation for 468 Nonadministrative expenses, limitaSpecial and minority employees, approtion 417 priation for 468 P a y costs, increased, appropriation Special and select committees, a p p r o for 115, 124 priation for 25,102 Travel expenses, funds available 416 Stationery (revolving fund), appropriaFederal National Mortgage Association for 102 tion— Administrative expenses, funds availTaxes— able 124,415,645 Bad debt deductions, nonapplicability Advance c o m m i t m e n t s for purchase to political debts . 467 of mortgages, authority 51 Deductions for expense allowance 467 Outstanding obligations, increase i n. 602 Telephone and telegraph accounts of Purchase, service, or sale of mortgages. 602 Members, accumulated balances 443 Travel expenses, funds a v a i l a b l e.. 415, 645 United States Code, appropriation for Federal Savings and Loan Associations, new edition 470 purchase of loans without regard Whitaker, J o h n A., appropriation for to area restrictions 604 payment to widow of 101 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance House Office Buildings, appropriation for. 112, Corporation— 473,639 Availability of funds 416 Housing: Travel expenses, funds available 416 Alaska— Guam, extension of housing laws to.. 603, 604 Appropriation authorized 603 H o m e Loan Bank Board, availability of Appropriation for 108, 645 funds 115, 124,415,416 Issuance of notes by Alaska Housing H o m e Owners' Loan Corporation, availAuthority, limitation increase 603 ability of funds for liquidation 416 Citizenship requirements, low-rent Housing Act of 1948, amendment 604 housing projects 402 Housing Act of 1949— Defense Areas Advisory Committee, Amendments 98, 604 appointment authorized 307 Appropriation for effecting proviDefense housing and community facilisions 349, 350, 351 ties and services— Housing Act of 1952 601 Applicability of provisions to States, Housing and Home Finance Agency— Territories, etc 604 Administrator, Office of— Appropriation authorized 602 Appropriation for 108, Appropriation for 105, 115, 123,402,415,644 108, 115, 1 2 3, 4 0 2, 4 1 5, 6 4 4 Loans, restriction 415 Continuation of emergency p o w e r s. _ 55, Travel expenses, funds a v a i l a b l e — 415 96, 137, 296, 332 Appropriation for 108, Housing Act of 1952 601 115, 1 2 3, 4 0 2, 4 1 5, 6 4 4 Mortgage insurance. See Mortgage Defense Areas Advisory Committee, insurance, this title. representation on 307 Temporary housing— Emergency powers, continuation 55, Disposal, extension of time limita96, 137, 296, 332 tion, authority of the PresiGeneral provisions, Independent Offident 603 ces Appropriation Act, nonappliTransfer for defense use, authority. 602 cability 412