Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/585

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67 S T A T. ]

PXJBLIC LAW 252-AUG. 12, 1953

death of the licensee, if a natural person, or its termination or dissolution by reason of the death of a partner, if a partnership, or if the licensee shall cease to be a party to any contract of the type required by subdivision (d) of section 3 of this article, the license shall terminate ninety days after such event or upon its expiration date, whichever shall be sooner. A license may be renewed by the commission for successive two-year periods upon fulfilling the same requirements as are set forth in this article for an original application. 6. Any license issued pursuant to this article may be revoked or suspended for such period as the commission deems in the public interest or the licensee thereunder may be reprimanded for any of the following offenses on the part of the licensee or of any person required by section 2 of this article to sign or be identified in an original application for a license: (a) Conviction of a crime or other cause which would permit or require disqualification of the licensee from receiving a license upon original application; (b) Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in securing the license or in the conduct of the licensed activity; (c) Failure by the licensee to maintain a complete set of books and records containing a true and accurate account of the licensee's receipts and disbursements arising out of his activities within the Port of New York district; (d) Failure to keep said books and records available during business hours for inspection by the commission and its duly designated representatives until the expiration of the fifth calendar year following the calendar year during which occurred the transactions recorded therein; (e) Any other offense described in subdivisions (c) to (i) inclusive, of section 7 of Article V. ARTICLE



1. The States of New Jersey and New York hereby find and declare that the transfer of cargo to and from trucks at piers and other waterfront terminals in the port of New York district has resulted in vicious and notorious abuses by persons commonly known as "public loaders," There is compelling evidence that such persons have exacted the payment of exorbitant charges for their services, real and alleged, and otherwise extorted large sums through force, threats of violence, unauthorized labor disturbances and other coercive activities, and that they have been responsible for and abetted criminal activities on the waterfront. These practices which have developed in the port of New York district impose unjustified costs on the handling of goods in and through the port of New York district, and increase the prices paid by consumers for food, fuel and other necessaries, and impair the economic stability of the port of New York district. I t is the sense of the Legislatures of the States of New York and New Jersey that these practices and conditions must be eliminated to prevent grave injury to the welfare of the people. 2. I t is hereby declared to be against the public policy of the States of New Jersey and New York and to be unlawful for any person to load or unload waterborne freight onto or from vehicles other than railroad cars at piers or at other waterfront terminals within the port of New York district, for a fee or other compensation, other than the following persons and their employees: (a) Carriers of freight by water, but only at piers at which their vessels are berthed;