Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/586

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PUBLIC LAW 262-AUG. 12, 1953

[67 S T A T.

(b) Other carriers of freight (including but not limited to railroads and truckers), but only in connection with freight transported or to be transported by such carriers; (c) Operators of piers or other waterfront terminals (including railroads, truck terminal operators, warehousemen and other persons), but only at piers or other waterfront terminals operated by them; (d) Shippers or consignees of freight, but only in connection with freight shipped by such shipper or consigned to such consignee; (e) Stevedores licenses under article VI, whether or not such waterborne freight has been or is to be transported by a carrier of freight by water with which such stevedore shall have a contract of the type prescribed by subdivision (d) of section 3 of article VI. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to permit any such loading or unloading of any waterborne freight at any place by any such person by means of any independent contractor, or any other agent other than an employee, unless such independent contractor is a person permitted by this article to load or unload such freight at such place in his own right. ARTICLE VIII LONGSHOREMEN

1. The commission shall establish a longshoremen's register in which shall be included all qualified longshoremen eligible, as hereinafter provided, for employment as such in the Port of New York district. On or after the first day of December, nineteen hundred fifty-three, no person shall act as a longshoreman within the Port of New York district unless at the time he is included in the longshoremen's register, and no person shall employ another to work as a longshoreman within the Port of New York district unless at the time such other person is included in the longshoremen's register. 2. Any person applying for inclusion in the longshoremen's register shall file at such place and in such manner as the commission shall designate a written statement, signed and verified by such person, setting forth his full name, residence address, social security number, and such further facts and evidence as the commission may prescribe to establish the identity of such person and his criminal record, if any. 3. The commission may in its discretion deny application for inclusion in the longshoremen's register by a person (a) Who has been convicted by a court of the United States or any State or territory thereof, without subsequent pardon, of treason, murder, manslaughter or of any felony or high misdemeanor or of any of the misdemeanors or offenses described in subdivision (b) of section 3 of Article V or of attempt or conspiracy to commit any of such crimes; (b) Who knowingly or willingly advocates the desirability of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States by force or violence or who shall be a member of a group which advocates such desirability knowing the purposes of such group includes such advocacy; (c) Whose presence at the piers or other waterfront terminals in the Port of New York district is found by the commission on the basis of the facts and evidence before it, to constitute a danger to the public peace or safety. 4. Unless the commission shall determine to exclude the applicant from the longshoremen's register on a ground set forth in section 3 of this article it shall include such person in the longshoremen's register. The commission may permit temporary registration of any applicant under the provisions of this article pending final action