Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/645

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBTuir. LAW 2 8 4 - A U G. 16, 1953

said section line, the project boundary bears northeasterly along the left bank of Wind River to a meander corner in section 24 of said township and range. Station 255 to 256, bearing north five degrees no minutes east, distance twenty-one one-hundredths mile, thence continues on said meander of Wind River in section 24. Station 256 to 257, bearing north eight degrees fifteen minutes east, distance twenty-two one-hundredths mile, thence continues on said meander of Wind River in Section 24. Station 257 to 258, bearing north ten degrees fifteen minutes west, distance one-fifth mile, thence continues on said meander of Wind River to a point in said section 24. Station 258 to 259, bearing north forty-six degrees no minutes west, distance one-fifth mile, thence continues on the left bank of Wind River to a meander corner in the section line between sections 13 and 24, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian; said meander corner bears north eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes west, a distance of two thousand two hundred and seventy-seven feet from the township corner common to the before-said sections 13 and 24. Station 259 to 260, bearing east, distance eighteen one-hundredths mile, thence east on the above-described section line between sections 13 and 24 to the southeast corner of lot 1, of said section 13. Station 260 to 261, bearing north, distance one-half mile from said lot corner, the boundary bears north on the east one-sixteenth line to the east one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 13. Station 261 to 262, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the center one-fourth corner of the aforesaid section 13. Station 262 to 263, bearing north, distance one-eighth mile, from said center one-fourth corner of section 13, the course bears north to C - S - N one sixty-fourth corner thereof. Station 263 to 264, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the C - S - N W one sixty-fourth corner of said section 13. Station 264 to 265, bearing north, distance three-eighths mile, thence north from the before-described corner to the west onesixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 13 and 12, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian. Station 265 to 266, bearing east, distance one-fourth mile, thence east on said boundary to the one-fourth corner thereof. Station 266 to 267, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears north on centerline of said section 12 to the south one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 267 to 268, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 11 and 12. Station 268 to 269, bearing north, distance three-fourths mile, thence nqrth on the before-described boundary to a corner common to sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian. Station 269 to 270, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, from said section corner, the course bears west on the boundary between sections 2 and 11 to the east one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 270 to 271, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north on the east one-sixteenth line to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of said section 2, township 2 north, range 1 east. Wind River meridian. Station 271 to 272, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of the aforesaid section 2.
