Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/646

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PUBLIC LAW 284-AUG. 15, 1953

[67 S T A T.

Station 272 to 273, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the center one-fourth corner of section 2. Station 273 to 274, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on the centerline of said section 2 to the west one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 274 to 275, bearing north, distance one-half mile, thence north on the west one-sixteenth line of the before-said section 2 to the west one-sixteenth corner thereof in the township boundary. Station 275 to 276, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west along said township line to the corner common to sections 2 and 3, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian, and sections 34 and 35, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian. Station 276 to 277, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, from said corner the boundary of the Riverton project bears north on boundary between sections 34 and 35, above-described, to the south one-sixteenth corner thereof. Station 277 to 278, bearing west, distance one and one-fourth miles, from said south one-sixteenth corner the course bears west on the respective south one-sixteenth lines of sections 34 and 33 to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of the aforesaid section 33, township 3 north, range 1 east. Wind River meridian. Station 278 to 279, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the east one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 33. Station 279 to 280, bearing west, distance one mile, thence west on the respective centerlines of sections 33 and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east. Wind River meridian, to the east one-sixteenth corner in the before-described section 32. Station 280 to 281, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the northeast one-sixteenth corner of section 32, aforesaid. Station 281 to 282, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west on the north one-sixteenth line of said section 32 to the northwest onesixteenth corner thereof. Station 282 to 283, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the west one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 29 and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east. Wind River meridian. Station 283 to 284, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears west to the section corner common to sections 29, 30, 31, and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian. Station 284 to 285, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, thence south to the northeast corner of lot 5. section 31, of the before-said township and range. Station 285 to 286, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on the north side of lot 5 to the northwest corner thereof. Station 286 to 287, bearing north, distance one-half mile, the project boundary then bears north on the respective east one-sixteenth lines of sections 31 and 30 to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of the aforesaid section 30, township 3 north, range 1 east. Wind River meridian. Station 287 to 288, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 30. Station 288 to 289, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the center one-fourth corner of said section 30. Station 289 to 290, bearing west, distance forty-seven one-hundredths mile, thence west on the centerline of section 30 to the onefourth corner between said section 30, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian, and section 25, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.