Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1182

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[68 Stat. 1150]
[68 Stat. 1150]


48 Stat. 158. 32 USC 113.

PUBLIC LAW 7 7 3 - S E P T. 3, 1954



(6) "Active status" means the status of a Reserve officer who is not in the inactive National Guard or inactive Air National Guard, on an inactive status list, or in the Retired Reserve. (7) "Discharged" means discharged from an appointment as a Reserve officer. (8) "Federal recognition" and "federally recognized" refer to Federal recognition of officers of the National Guard and the Air National Guard of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, under the provisions of Section 75 of the National Defense Act, as amended. TITLE II — THE RESEHRVE C O M P O N E N T S GENERAL L Y

Credit upon appointment.

Eligibility for promotion.

Retention in active status.


SEC. 201. Upon appointment as a Reserve officer, a person who holds no appointment as a commissioned officer of the Armed Forces may for the purposes of this Act only be credited with an amount of service in an active status (or, if appointed an officer of the Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, or the Coast Guard Reserve, be placed in a commensurate position on the appropriate lineal list), to reflect his combined years of experience, education, and such other qualifications as may be prescribed by regulations promulgated by the appropriate Secretary. Any such person who is appointed for the purpose of or with a view to assignment or designation as a medical officer, a dental officer, a veterinary officer, a judge advocate (law specialist of the Naval Reserve or Coast Guard Reserve), or a chaplain, shall, for the purpose of this Act only, be credited with a minimum amount of service in an active status of four years, three years, two years, three years, or three years, respectively, and a person holding a degree of Doctor of Philosophy, or comparable degree, in a science allied to medicine as may be determined by the appropriate Secretary, may be credited with a minimum amount of service in an active status of three years if appointed for assignment as an officer in the Medical Service Corps of the Army or in a comparable assignment in another Armed Force. SEC. 202. (a) To be eligible for consideration for promotion or for examination for Federal recognition and to be eligible for promotion under this Act, a Reserve officer must be in an active status. (b) To be retained in an active status, a Reserve officer (other than an adjutant general or assistant adjutant general of a State or Territory, or the District of Columbia) shall, in any applicable yearly period, attain the minimum number of points (not to exceed fifty) prescribed by the appropriate Secretary with the approval of the Secretary of Defense (or by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the Coast Guard, when the Coast Guard is operating as a service in the Treasury Department) and shall conform to such other standards and qualifications as the appropriate Secretary may prescribe. Subject to section 204 of this Act, a Reserve officer who fails to attain the prescribed number of points or to conform to the prescribed standards and qualifications, shall, upon his application, be transferred to the Retired Reserve if qualified, or if he is not qualified or does not apply for transfer to the Retired Reserve, shall be transferred to the inactive status list if qualified, or if not transferred to the Retired Reserve or the inactive status list, shall be discharged. SEC. 203. (a) Selection boards and other boards of officers appointed under this Act shall be appointed and convened by the appropriate Secretary or by such competent authority as the appropriate Secretary may direct. (b) A t least 50 per centum of the members of any selection board appointed under the provisions of this Act shall, to the extent practicable, be Reserve officers. All members of any selection board shall