Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1183

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[68 Stat. 1151]
[68 Stat. 1151]

68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 773-SEPT. 3, 1954

be senior in permanent grade and temporary rank to any officer being considered by that board, (c) Selection boards shall serve for such length of time as the appropriate Secretary may prescribe, but no board shall serve longer than one year. No officer shall serve on two consecutive selection boards when the second of such boards considers any of the officers who were considered but not recommended for promotion to the same grade by the first selection board upon which he served. (d) Each selection board shall be composed of not less than five members which number shall constitute a quorum. Every officer who is appointed a member of a selection board will swear or affirm that he will without prejudice or partiality and, having in view both the special fitness of officers and the efficiency of his Armed Force, perform the duties imposed on him as a member of such board. Not less than a majority of the total membership of any selection board must concur in each recommendation made by the board. (e) Any officer eligible for consideration for promotion by any selection board shall have the right to forward through official channels a written communication inviting attention to any matter of record in the Armed Forces concerning himself which he deems important to his consideration which must arrive at a time not later than the convening of the selection board. The communication may not criticize or reflect upon the character, conduct, or motive of any officer. SEC. 204. Any Reserve officer who has not completed his period of required service as a member of a reserve component under section 4 (d) or other provision of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, or under any other provision of law, shall not be discharged or transferred from an active status under this Act. Unless under regulations prescribed by the appropriate Secretary, he is subsequently promoted under the provisions of this Act, he shall be retained in grade for the remainder of his required period of service and shall be an additional number to the authorized numbers in that grade. SEC. 205. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, except as provided in sections 328 and 339, if on any date prescribed for the transfer from an active status or discharge of any Reserve officer, he has been credited with, or is entitled to be credited with eighteen or more, but less than nineteen, years of satisfactory Federal service for retired pay purposes under the provisions of title III of the Army and Air Force Vitalization and Bfetirement Equalization Act of 1948, as amended, such officer shall not, without his consent, be transferred from an active status or discharged pursuant to this Act prior to the date on which he is credited with twenty years of such satisfactory Federal service, or prior to the third anniversary of the date on which he would otherwise be transferred from an active status or discharged, whichever is earlier, unless transferred or discharged for physical disability, cause, or by reason of attaining the maximum age at which transfer from an active status or discharge is required by this Act. (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, except as provided in sections 328 and 339, if on any date prescribed for the transfer from an active status or discharge of any Reserve officer, he has been credited with, or is entitled to be credited with nineteen or more, but less than twenty years of satisfactory Federal service for retired pay purposes under the provisions of title III of the Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948, as amended, such officer shall not, without his consent, be transferred from an active status or discharged pursuant to this Act prior to the


Incomplete service. 62 Stat. 607. 50 USC app, 454 (d).

18 years or more of service.

62 Stat. 1087. 10 USC 1036 et seq.