Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1397

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[68 Stat. LXXXIII]
[68 Stat. LXXXIII]




President of the United States—Con. ^^ee President of the United States—Con. ^^^^ Funds appropriated to—Continued Reports to— National defense 274 Agriculture Department report acRefugee Relief Act of 1953, funds for counting for all moneys, disconeffecting provisions 89, 449, 824 tinuance of 966 Tankers, construction of 824 Alien property, successors in interest Government employees' incentive to heirless persecutee assets 768 awards 1113 Civil Service Commission, incentive award program 1112 Government Organization, President's Commerce, Department of— Advisory Committee on— Tabulation of total population by Appropriation for 24 States as required for apporGrade GS-17, position authorized 25 tionment of representatives 1020 Hawaii— Utilities relocated by highway imHonolulu, return of land for harbor provements, cooperative study improvements at 567 with States 74 Issuance of public improvement Health, Education, and Welfare, bonds, approval requirement 786 Department of, study of effects Housing functions. See Housing. of malnutrition, etc., on prisInter-American Highway, allocation of oners of war and internees 1037 expenditures in a particular country, Housing and Home Finance Agency, approval requirement 428 annual report on operations 642, 648 John Marshall bicentennial commission, Intergovernmental Relations, Comex officio membership 702 mission on 20 Joint Commission on Rural ReconstrucInterior, Department of, Hawaii, contion in China, participation in 861 servation, development, etc., of Management improvement, appropriairrigation and reclamation retion for expenses of 274 sources 773 Motor vehicle pools, issuance of reguLabor, Department of, estimate of lations 1127 amount required to pay benefits Munitions control, authority 848 under War Claims Act 1036 Mutual Security Act of 1954 832 National Monument Commission 1030 Sabine River Compact AdministraMutual Security Appropriation Act, tion 696 1955 1219 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development National defense emergencies, approCorporation 96 priation for 274 Tariff Commission, review of customs National Guard, ordering to active-duty tariff schedules 1136 status of United States property White House Conference on Educaand fiscal officers 451 tion 532 North Pacific Fisheries Act of 1954, Reports to Congress— authority under 699 Agricultural Trade Development and Occupied areas, government and relief Assistance Act of 1954, activities in— under 457 Transfer of functions and property, Government employees' incentive authority 826 award program, transmittal of Use of funds to procure commodities Civil Service Commission report. 1112 and technical services to maintain Highways, transmittal of Commerce political and economic stability Department report on utilities after termination of occupation; relocation 74 agreement with recognized govHousing and Home Finance Agency, ernment 825 annual report on operations. _ 642, 648 Philippines, reciprocal agreement conInternational affairs, expenditures cerning entry of traders as nonfor 824 immigrants 264 Mutual security program 854, 860 Proclamation authorizations. See sepaSaint Lawrence Seaway Development rate title. Corporation, transmittal 96 Protection of, appropriation for 420 Southeast Asia and Western Pacific, Refugee relief, appropriation for 89 waiver of agreement requirement Reorganization plans. See separate title. under Mutual Security Act 837