Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1398

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[68 Stat. LXXXIV]
[68 Stat. LXXXIV]



President of the United States—Con. ^^^e Reports to Congress—Continued Study of effects of malnutrition, etc., on prisoners of war and internees, t r a n s m i t t a l of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare report 1037 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act 667 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. See separate title. Selective Service System, exemption from certain appropriation restrictions, authority 287 Trade agreements, extension of authority to enter into 360 Transportation of baggage, etc., of milit a r y personnel and civilian Government employees, regulation with regard to reimbursement for general average contributions 176 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands, civil administration 330 Vessels— Foreign m e r c h a n t vessels, emergency acquisition and operating authority 675 Naval vessels, construction and conversion of certain, authority. _ 578, 579 Tankers, construction of five, authorized 681 Appropriation for 824 Virgin Islands articles transported to United States, disposition of Internal Revenue collections, approval requirement 608 Virgin Islands Organic Act, functions under 497 War claims, certification of a m o u n t required to p a y benefits 1036 White House Conference on Education— Appropriation authorized, etc 532 Appropriation for 809 White House Office, appropriation for__ 272 President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped: Appropriation authorized, increase 665 Appropriation for 434, 808 Cooperation on placement methods 659 Presidio of Monterey, Calif., troop housing construction authorized 537 Presque Isle Air Force Base, Maine, construction of facilities a u t h o r i z e d. _ 550, 1124 Priest Rapids Dam, Wash., development by public utility district 573 Prince Georges County, Md., authority for conveyance of land by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to Board of Education 487

INDEX Printing, Joint Committee on, appropria^*^* tion for 398 Printing Office, Government. See Government Printing Office. Prison Industries, Inc., Federal, a p p r o priation for 432 Prison System, Federal. See Federal Prison System under Justice, Department of. Prisoners of War: Funds available for maintenance and pay 350 S t u d y of effects of malnutrition, etc., on 1037 War Claims Act, benefits under.. 97, 759, 1034 Private Enterprise, encouragement under M u t u a l Security Act of 1954 847 Probation System, appropriation for travel expenses 411 Proclamation Authorizations: J o h n Marshall Bicentennial Month 702 National M e n t a l Health Week 63 National Nurse Week, 1954 766 National Olympic Day, 1954 58 National Salvation Army Week 997 Production Credit Corporation, appropriation for 318 Property and Administrative Services Act. See Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. Prosser Irrigation District, nonreimbursable expenses 3 Providence Hospital, D. C, appropriation for reimbursement 383 Public Assistance, Bureau of. See under Social Security Administration. Public Buildings Act of 1949, Amendments. 518 Public Buildings Purchase Contract Act of 1954 518 Funds for effecting provisions 816 Public Buildings Service. See under General Services Administration. Public Debt Limit, temporary increase 895 Public Debt Transactions. See Second Liberty Bond Act. Public Health Service: Administrative provisions 443 Alaska, appropriation for disease and sanitation investigations and control 441 Appropriation for 440, 810 Arthritis and metabolic disease activities, appropriation for 442 Birth and death statistics, annual collection 1025 Communicable diseases, appropriation for prevention and suppression 441 Deceased personnel and dependents— Recovery, care, and disposition of remains 478