Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1512

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[70 Stat. VIII]
[70 Stat. VIII]



Alaska—Continued Pa^e Nome, funds available for construction of post office and courthouse 686 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration 264 Prisoners, Federal, appropriation for support of 307 Public Health Service, appropriation for disease and sanitary investigations and control 180, 431, 688 Public lands within highway, telephone, and pipeline withdrawals; easements, disposal of 898 Public works, appropriation for 265 Recreation facilities, establishment of-_ 130 Reservation of lands for educational purposes 954 Surplus property disposal 918 Tongass National Forest, sale of timber, disposition of revenues from 605 Walruses, protection of 372 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, applicability 1090 Wildlife restoration, increased Federal aid in 169 Alaska Communication System: Appropriation for 459 Family quarters, cost limitation 468 Alaska Railroad: Appropriation for revolving fund 266 Salary limitation 266 Albany, Ga., construction of facilities a u thorized. _ - J 997 Aleuts, homestead allotments, conveyance to Aleuts in Alaska 954 Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission: Appropriation authorized 767 Appropriation for 767 Donations, etc., acceptance authority - _ 1067 Transportation and per diem 1067 Alexandria, Va., conveyance of Chinquapin Village housing project to 1107 Alica-Orange Grove, Tex., construction of facilities authorized ^ 995 Alien Property, Office of. See under Justice, Department of. Aliens. See also Immigration and N a t u ralization Service under Justice, Department of. [NOTE: For actions concerning individuals, see Individual Index, following this Subject Index.]

Atomic energy licenses, limitation on issuance to 1071 Deportation suspensions B5, B9, B13, B 5 5 Withdrawal of certain B12, B 3 1 Exchange visitors, immigration s t a t u s., 241 Foreign espionage systems, registration of certain persons trained in 899

INDEX Aliens—Continued Pas« Government employees. See Citizenship requirements under Government Employees. Per diem for subsistence paid to nonresident aliens in training under m u t u a l security program, tax exemption 563 P e r m a n e n t residence status, granting to certain aliens B17, B19, B34, B35, B 3 6 Social security benefits, suspension for aliens who are outside United States 835 Alimanu Military Reservation, T. H., land acquisition authorized 993 Alley Dwelling Authority Act, District of Columbia, appropriation for maintenance and operation of properties under 347 Alpine County, Calif., water users, contract for project water from W a t a sheamu Reservoir 776 Altus Air Force Base, Okla., construction of facilities authorized 1007 Alumina, temporary suspension of d u t y. 554 Amarillo Air Force Base, Tex., construction of facilities authorized 1005 American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, appropriation for membership of D. C. Department of Vehicles and Traffic in 447 American Battle Monuments Commission: Appropriation for 163, 178, 278 Cemeteries, military, authority to enter in foreign countries upon cessation of hostilities 640 Extension 640 Members, per diem allowances authorized 640 Personnel, supplies, etc., furnishing by other agencies 163, 279 Plans and estimates for memorial to Gen. J o h n J. Pershing authorized84 American Education Week, 1955, proclamation c8 American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, appropriation authorized 696 American Legion: I r a D. MacLachlan Post N u m b e r e d 3, Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., renewal of land license in Saint Marys Falls Canal project 696 Phillips County Post, N u m b e r e d 57, Mont., conveyance of certain lands to 289 American National Red Cross: Congressional greetings on seventy-fifth anniversary i B32 Red Cross Month, 1956, proclamationcl8