Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1513

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[70 Stat. IX]
[70 Stat. IX]

SUBJECT American Printing House for the Blind: ^^^^ Appropriation for 427 Books, wider distribution authorized; appropriation increase 938 American Republics: Air Force, Department of the, appropriation for inter-American cooperation 465 Army, Department of the, appropriation for inter-American cooperation 457 M u t u a l security assistance 556, 557, 560 Appropriation for 734 Navy Department, appropriation for Latin-American cooperation 463 Organization of American States, contributions to — Appropriation authorized 557 Appropriation for 734 P a n American D a y and P a n American Week, 1956, proclamation c20 American Samoa: Appropriation for administration 264 General Services Administration, purchases through 264 Minimum wage rates and overtime pay, certain adjustments respecting 1118 American Samoa Labor Standards Amendments of 1956 1118 Americas' New Frontiers Exposition, Oklahoma City, Okla.: Free importation of articles for exhibition 249 Invitation to participate, authority of President to extend 695 Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, construction of facilities authorized 1011 Andrews Air Force Base, Md., construction of facilities authorized 1006 Animal Disease Control: Appropriation for 161, 179, 229, 230, 239 Brucellosis eradication, funds available. 87 Technical experts conducting research on foot-and-mouth and other diseases, salary 742 Virgin Islands, restriction.on importation 5 Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado River storage project 105 Annapolis, Md., construction of facilities authorized 998 Annette Island Airport, Alaska, renewals of lease, authorized 146 Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, applicability to certain Foreign Service officers 708 Anthropological Researches, Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for 272 Antidumping Act, 1921, report by Secretary of Treasury to Congress on operation and effectiveness 948 69225 O - 5 7 - 9 6 ( V o l. 70)



Antitrust Division. See under Justice, ^*^ Department of. Antitrust Laws: Administration, interpretation and effect, printing of additional copies of part s 6, 7, and 8 of hearings o n. _ B 3 3 Automobile franchised dealers, suits against manufacturers 1125 Rubber producing facilities, advice on disposal with respect to a n t i t r u s t laws 52, 53 Appeals, Court of. See under United States Courts. Apprenticeship, Bureau of, appropriation for 182, 424 Appropriation Acts. See also Appropriations. Agriculture, Department of, 1957 229 Commerce Department and related agencies, 1957 314 Defense, Department of, 1957 456 District of Columbia, 1957 439 F a r m Credit Administration, 1957 239 General Government Matters, 1957 276 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1957 427 Independent Offices, 1957 339 Interior Department and related agencies, 1957 257 Judiciary, 1957 308 Justice, Department of, 1957 305 Labor, Department of, 1956, additional appropriation 51 Labor, Department of, 1957 423 Legislative Branch, 1957 356 M u t u a l Security, 1957 733 Post Office Department, 1957 96 Public Works, 1957 474 State, Department of, 1957 299 Supplemental, 1956, Second 161 Supplemental, 1957 678 Supplemental, 1957, Second 763 Temporary, 1957 496 Treasury Department, 1957 92 United States Information Agency, 1957 311 Urgent Deficiency, 1956 12 Appropriations. See also Appropriation Acts. Agricultural products, appropriation to encourage exportation and domestic consumption of, authorized Alaska, establishment of recreation facilities, authorized Alaska-Canadian border, port of entry and related facilities on Alaska Highway, authorized Alaska International Rail and Highway Commission, authorized

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