Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1624

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[70 Stat. CXX]
[70 Stat. CXX]



Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act ^^^^ of 1952: Amendments, nonprofit educational institutions of college level, permission of eligible veterans to enroll in certain courses__ 730 Funds for effecting provisions 350, 424, 425 Veterans' Remployment Rights, Bureau of, appropriation for 182, 423 Veterans Regulations: N o. 1 (a)— Part I— Paragraph II (k), amendment 1019 Paragraph IV, amendment 885 Part II, paragraph III, amendment. _ 885 No. 2 (a)— Part I— Paragraph I (a)(3), amendment. _ 885 Paragraph V, amendment 884 No. 10, paragraph X III, amendment 884 Veterinary Medicine, practice in District of Columbia 650 Vice President of the United States: Appointments by. See President of the Senate, appointments by, tinder Senate. Automobile, appropriation for 176, 358 Inaugural ceremonies. See separate title. Office of, appropriation for 13, 356 Retirement, applicability of Civil Service Retirement Act 743, 760 Salary and expense allowance, appropriation for 356 Vigo County, Ind., conveyance by Justice Department of certain lands to State 974 Vint Hill Farm Station, Va., construction of facilities authorized 1007 Virgin Islands: Appropriation for administration 264 Cattle, restriction on importation 5 Conservation reserve program under Soil Bank Act, applicability 195 Crime, prevention of, consent of Congress to I n t e r s t a t e Compacts for cooperation in, extension to 1020 District judges, annuities for widows and surviving dependent children 1021 General Services Administration, purchases through 264 Governor, salary _. 739 Judges, appropriation for salaries 309 Poultry, restriction on importation 5 Social security. See Social Security Act. Sugar Act of 1948, quota provisions under 217, 218 Virgin Islands National Park, establishment 940 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, applicability 1090

INDEX Virgin Islands—Continued ^^^^ Wildlife restoration, increased Federal aid in 169 Virgin Islands Corporation, appropriation for 273,687 Virginia: Bridge, from Jones Point, Va., to M a r y land— Appropriation for 679 Construction authority 184 Designation as Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge 185 C a m p Peary, Williamsburg, conveyance of certain lands by Army to State— 550 Colonial National Historical Park, land transferred to Commonwealth 62 Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, appointment of United States Commissioners for 642 Middle Atlantic I n t e r s t a t e Forest Fire Protection Compact, consent of Congress 636 Vocational Act of 1946, funds for effecting provisions 768 Vocational Education Act of 1946: Amendments— Fishing industry, distribution of funds for personnel training 1126 Guam, applicability to 909 I'ractical nurse training, appropriation authorized 925 Funds for effecting provisions 428 Vocational Rehabilitation. See under Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of. Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of. District of Columbia, appropriation for 444 Vocational Rehabilitation Act: Amendments— G r a n t s to States for programs, time extension 956 Guam, applicability to 910 Disabled individuals receiving social security benefits, referral for rehabilitation services under 817 Funds for effecting provisions 429, 430, 768 Volusia County, Fla.: Civil defense, use of Federal lands for. 543 General Services Administration lands, conveyance 589 Voting, reciprocal arrangements between States, Congressional approval B4 W Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. Wages, District of Columbia, providing for the payment and collection Wahluke Siphon, Columbia Basin Project, reimbursable funds

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