Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1625

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[70 Stat. CXXI]
[70 Stat. CXXI]

SUBJECT Walker Air Force Base, N. Mex., con^^^^ struction of facilities authorized 1009 Walruses, protection of 372 Walter Reed, Associates, recognition of public service rendered, inclusion of name of Gustaf E. Lambert 484 Appropriation for medal 690 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, D. C„ construction of facilities authorized-992 Wapinitia Federal Reclamation Project, Oreg., construction, etc., of Juniper division 244 War Claims Act of 1948: Amendment, Philippine religious organizations, extension of coverage to certain 1063 War Claims F u n d, availability to Bureau of Employees' Compensation 425, 426 War College, Naval, appropriation for 459 War Orphans' Educational Assistance Act of 1956 411 Appropriation authorized 422 Eligibility and entitlement 412 Miscellaneous provisions 419 Policy 411 Program of education 414 Special restorative training 418 War-Risk Hazards, compensation for injuries or death resulting from 519 War Risk Insurance: Aircraft, extension authorized 594 Marine, single standard of valuations, etc 984 War Shipping Administration Liquidation, funds available 162, 318 Warm Springs Reservation, funds for payment to Confederated Tribes for impaired fishing interests 480 Washington: Bremerton, tolls authorized for M a n e t t e Bridge 521 Colville Indian Reservation, certain lands restored to 626 H i r a m M. Chittenden Locks, Seattle, designation of Government Locks as 631 Social security coverage for certain State and local employees and nonprofessional school district employees 825, 826 Washington, Booker T., Centennial Commission, appropriation for 767 Washington, Booker T., National Monument, Va., establishment 86 Washington, D. C. See District of Columbia. Washington Aqueduct, appropriation for_ _ 184, 448, 452 Washington City Post Office, reimbursement for heat furnished by Capitol Power Plant 367

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Washington Home for Incurables, D. C, ^^ge appropriation for reimbursement 445 Washington National Airport, D. C: Appropriation for 179, 315 Construction of facilities authorized 1007 Washington State Fifth International Trade Fair, Seattle, free importation of articles for exhibition 84 Washington Toll Bridge Authority, tolls authorized, M a n e t t e Bridge, Bremerton, Wash 521 Washita River Basin Reclamation Project, Okla., authorization 28 Water, Saline, appropriation for utilization research program 168, 257 Water Conservation and Utilization Projects, appropriation for 232 Water Conservation Practices. See Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. Water Hyacinths, penalties for transportation of 797 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1956 498 Funds available for effecting provisions. 769 Waterfowl Crop Damage, prevention of _ _ 492 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act: Amendments— Applicability to Hawaii, Alaska, P u e r to Rico, and the Virgin Islands 1090 Project work plans. Congressional review period shortened 580 Watershed soil conservation and flood and sediment control program, increase in development of land and water resources, etc 1088 Funds for effecting provisions 232 Nonapplicability of certain provisions to Coneross Watershed project, S. C 1057 Waynesville, Mo., transfer of housing projects to Defense Department 1105 Weather Bureau. See under Commerce, Department of. Weather Control Advisory Committee: Appropriation for 324, 680 Extension 509 Webb Air Force Base, Tex., construction of facilities authorized 1006 Weeks Act, appropriation for acquisition of forest lands under; restriction 269 Weliweli, T. H., sale of public lands 723 Wendover Air Force Base, Utah, construction of facilities authorized 1010 West Divide Project, Colo., Colorado River storage project 105 West Virginia: Fish hatchery, establishment, maintenance, etc 1057