Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/24

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4331. 4332. 4333. 4334. 4335. 4336. 4337. 4338. 4339.

Superintendent; faculty; a d j u t a n t; chaplain Department s and professors: titles Superintendent; f a c u l t y: appointment and detail Command and super/ision Dean of Academic Board P e r m a n e n t professors Chaplain Director of music Organist and c h o i r m a s t e r; civilian instructors in departments of foreign languages and t a c t i c s: quarters, fuel, and light 4340. Quartermaster 4341. Faculty and other officers: leaves of absence 4342. Cadets: appointment; numbers, territorial distribution 4343. Cadets: appointment; to bring Corps to full strength 4344. Selection of persons from Canada and American Republics 4345. Selection of Filipinos 4346. Cadets: requirements for admission 4347. C a d e t s; nominees: effect of redistricting of States 4348. Cadets: agreement to serve as officer 4349. C a d e t s: organization of Corps; service; instruction 4350. C a d e t s: clothing and equipment 4351. C a d e t s: deficiencies in conduct or s t u d i e s; effect of failure on successor 4352. C a d e t s: hazing 4353. C a d e t s: degree and commission on graduation 4354. Buildings and g r o u n d s: memorial h a l l; buildings for religious worship 4355. Board of Visitors Sec. 4381. 4382. 4383. 4384. 4385. 4386. 4387.

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C H A P T E R 405.—RESERVE OFFICERS ' TRAINING CORPS. Advanced t r a i n i n g: definition Establishment and composition Medical, dental, p h a r m a c y, and veterinary s t u d e n t s: admission Courses of t r a i n i n g T r a i n i n g camps Supplies and uniforms Advanced t r a i n i n g: compensation

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4411. 4412. 4413. 4414.

Establishment: purpose Operation Transportation and subsistence during travel Quartermaster and ordnance property: sales

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PART IV. SERVICE, SUPPLY, AND PROCUREMENT C H A P T E R 431.—INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZATION, R E S E A R C H, AND DEVELOPMENT Sec. 4501. I n d u s t r i a l mobilization: o r d e r s; p r i o r i t i e s; possession of manufacturing p l a n t s; violations 4502. I n d u s t r i a l mobilization: p l a n t s; l i s t s; Board on Mobilization of Industries essential for Military Preparedness 4503. Research and development programs 4504. Procurement for experimental purposes 4505. Procurement of production equipment 4506. Sale, loan, or gift of samples, drawings, and Information to contractors 4507. Sale of ordnance and ordnance stores to designers 4508. T e s t s of Iron, steel, and other m a t e r i a l s

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