Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/532

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474 §7651. Scope of chapter (a) This chapter applies to all captures of vessels as prize during war by authority of the United States or adopted and ratified by the President. However, this chapter does not affect the right ox the Army or the Air Force, while engaged in hostilities, to capture whereever found and without prize procedure— (1) enemy property; or (2) neutral property used or transported in violation of the obligations of neutrals under international law. (b) As used in this chapter— (1) "vessel" includes aircraft; and (2) "master" includes the pilot or other person in command of an aircraft. (c) Property seized or taken upon the inland waters of the United States by its naval forces is not maritime prize. All such property shall be delivered promptly to the proper officers of the courts. (d) Nothing in this chapter may be construed as contravening any treaty of the United States. § 7652. Jurisdiction (a) The United States district courts have original jurisdiction, exclusive of the courts of the States, of each prize and each proceeding for the condemnation of property taken as prize, if the prize is— (1) brought into the United States, or the Territories, Commonwealths, or possessions; (2) brought into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent; (3) brouglit into a locality in the temporary or permanent possession of, or occupied by, the armed forces of the United States; or (4) appropriated for the use of the United States. (b) The United States district courts, exclusive of the courts of the States, also have original jurisdiction of a prize cause in which the prize property— (1) is lost or entirely destroyed; or (2) cannot be brought in for adjudication because of its condition. (c) The jurisdiction conferred by this section of prizes brought into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent may not be exercised, nor may prizes be appropriated for the use of the United States within those territorial waters, unless the government having jurisdiction over those waters consents to the exercise of the jurisdiction or to the appropriation. § 7653. Court in which proceedings brought (a) If a prize is brought into a port of the United States, or the Territories, Commonwealths, or possessions, proceedings for the adjudication of the prize cause shall be brought in the district in which the port is located. (b) If a prize is brought into the territorial waters of a cobelligerent, or is brought into a locality in the temporary or permanent possession of, or occupied by, the armed forces of the United States, or is appropriated for the use of the United States before proceedings are started, the venue of the proceedings for adjudication of the cause