Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/562

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504 j.

(1) temporary enlistments in the Air Force entered into in time of war or of emergency declared by Congress shall be for the duration of the war or emergency plus six months; and (2) only persons at least 18 years cf age and otherwise qualified under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force are eligible for such enlistments.

§ 8255. Regular Air Force: recruiting campaigns The Secretary of the Air Force shall conduct intensive recruiting campaigns to obtain enlistments in the Regular Air Force. §8256. Regular Air Force: qualifications, term, grade (a) Notwithstanding section 8254(2) of this title, the Secretary of the Air Force may accept original enlistments in the Regular Air Force of qualified, effective, and able-bodied persons who are not less than 17 years of age in the cnse of male persons and not less than 18 years of age in the case of female persons, nor more than 35 years of age, for periods of two, three, four, five^ or six years However, no male person under 18 years of age, or female person under 21 years of age, may be originally enlisted without the written consent of his parent or guardian, if he has a parent or guardian entitled to his custody and control. (b) The Secretary may accept reenlistments in the Regular Air Force for periods of three, four, five, or six years. However, a person who last served in one of the higl^est three enlisted grades may be reenlisted for an unspecified period on a career basis. No age limitation applies to reenlistments. No enlisted member is entitled to be reenlisted for a period that would expire before the end of his current enlistment. (c) An enlistment in the Regular Air Force in effect at the outbreak of a war or entered into during a war, unless sooner terminated by the President, continues in effect until six months after the termination of that war. (d) Subject to subsection (e), a person is enlisted in the Regular Air Force in the grade prescribed by the Secretary. (e) A person who, upon his discharge from the Regular Air Force, is recommended for reenlistment is entitled to be reenlisted in the grade held by him when discharged, if he applies therefor within a period to be specified by the Secretary, but not later than three months after his discharge. However, a person who has been discharged from the Regular Air Force because of the acceptance of his resignation is not entitled, upon reenlistment, to the grade held by him when discharged. (f) This section does not deprive a person of any right to be reenlisted in the Regular Air Force under any other provision of law. § 8257. Regular Air Force: aviation cadets; qualifications, grade, limitations (a) The grade of aviation cadet is a special enlisted grade in the Regular Air Force. (b) Any male citizen of the United States may be enlisted as an aviation cadet, if he is otherwise qualified.