Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/996

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[71 Stat. 66]
[71 Stat. 66]




Disabled American Veterans, recognition ^"^^ District of Columbia—Continued of representatives in connection with Charitable Solicitation Act 278 Civil Defense, Office of, appropriation claims 139 Disabled Persons. See also Physically for 196 Handicapped; Social Security Act. Claims and suits, appropriation for setAppropriation for grants to States for tlement 187, 194,438 aid to 222 Compensation and retirement fund expenses, appropriation for 193, 437 Veterans, recognition of representatives Corporation Counsel— in connection with claims ._ 139 Disaster Relief: Authority under District of Columbia Charitable Solicitation Act 281 Agriculture Department funds availFunctions and duties under reciprocal able 177 family support law 286 Commodity Credit Corporation, appropriation for reimbursement for Office of, appropriation for 194, 437 emergency famine relief to friendly Corrections, Department of, appropriation for 197 peoples 339 Drought-stricken areas, deferred grazing Courts— Appeals, United States Court of, sale program, funds authorized ... 26 price limitation on reports 66 Funds available 228, 432 Appropriation for 194, 196, 437 Funds transferred for emergency measDistrict Court of the United States — ures for prevention of epidemic of Jurisdiction over violations of the influenza 434 District of Columbia CharitaDisplaced Persons Act, quota deductions, ble Solicitation Act 281 termination 642 Power of removal of m e m b e r of Distilled Spirits, tax extension 9 Board of Education authorDistrict of Columbia: ized 340 Advance of funds, authority 205 J u r y trials, deposits on d e m and for. 196 Airports. See separate title. Municipal Court, Domestic Relations Alley Dwelling Authority Act, a p p r o Branch, functions and jurisdicpriation for maintenance and operation in enforcement of duties of tion of properties under 234 support 285 Appeals and Review, Board of, a p p r o Reimbursement to United States for priation for expenses 193 services, expenditures, etc.— 63, 66, 196 Apprenticeship Council, appropriation Retired judges' pay, appropriation for compensation 193 for.. 196 Appropriation Act 192 Debt service, appropriation for 201 Appropriation for 186, 192, 437 Directors, trustees, etc., of certain Specified a m o u n t s to be considered companies, citizenship and resimaximum 205 dence qualifications 474 Transfer of funds, authorized 464 Elections, Board of, appropriation for Armory Board, authority relating to expenses 193 s t a d i u m; reports to Congress 619-622 Employees. See Government Employees. Asphalt plant, municipal expenditures Engineer Commissioner, appropriation for site preparation 203 for compensation 193 Audit of vouchers 205 Enterprise, USS, establishment as Audited claims, appropriation for p a y memorial m u s e u m 494 ment 187, 438 Executive office, appropriation for 193 Board of Education, power of removal of member by District Court, auFamily support, improvement and exthorized 340 tension 285 Buildings and grounds, Department of, Federal payment, appropriation for 192 appropriation for 198 Fire Department — Business Corporation Act, amendAppropriation for 196 ments— Retirement and disability 391 Copies of corporation documents, elimF o u r t e e n t h Street highway bridge over ination of need to record with Potomac River, designation as Recorder of Deeds 569 Rochambeau Memorial Bridge 256 Reincorporation or incorporation, Freedmen's Hospital, payment for care amendments respecting 572 of p a t i e n t s 215 Capital outlay, appropriation for. 187, 201, 437