Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/997

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[71 Stat. 67]
[71 Stat. 67]



^^^e District of Columbia—Continued ^"^e District of Columbia—Continued Motor vehicles—Continued Gallaudet College, payment for students Direction and control 205 attending 215 Parking fund, sums payable from 192, General Administration, Department of, appropriation for 186, 193 193, 195, 199 General fund, sums payable from 187, Registration fees, trailers and antique 192, 438 motor vehicles 598 General provisions, Appropriation Act- 205, 440 National Capital Housing Authority, Health. See Public Health, Departappropriation for 234 ment of, this title. National Capital Parks, appropriation Highway fund— for 200, 271 Advances to 192 National Capital Planning CommisSums payable from 192-195, sion— 198, 199, 200, 201, 203 Appropriation for 270 Transfer of funds from 186 Enterprise, USS, memorial museum, Highways, Department of— approval of site 494 Appropriation for 199 Expert, extension of temporary emAsphalt plant, authority for purchase ployment 271 and installation 199 National Conference of Commissioners Capital outlay, appropriation for 202 on Uniform State Laws, appropriaHospitals— tion for support 193 Center and facilities— National Guard, appropriation for 200 Appropriation for additional funds; National Training School for Boys, limitation increased 230, 433 appropriation for care of boys comIncrease in authorization of funds; mitted by District of Columbia time extension 243 courts 198 Freedmen's Hospital, reimbursement National Zoological Park, appropriato United States for services tion for 201, 437 rendered to District of Columbia, Occupations and Professions, Departappropriation for 197 ment of, appropriation for 194 Glenn Dale Hospital, fire prevention Operating expenses, appropriation for. 192, 437 and protection services, approPark Police— priation for 197 Appropriation for pay, etc 201 Sibley Memorial Hospital site, authoretirement and disability 391 ity to make grants for; liens 610 Policemen and Firemen's Retirement Inauguration Day, designation as legal and Disability Act Amendments of holiday 3 1957 391 Judgments, appropriation for payment; Privately-owned automobiles, allowinterest rate 187, 438 ance for official use 205 Jurors fees, appropriation for 194 Property, real and personal, etc.— Licenses and Inspections, Department Course of descents, generally 560 of, appropriation for 198 Curtesy and dower rights, abolishMeetings, funds available for attendment; effective date 560 ance 205 Escheat, rights of District of CoMetropolitan Police— lumbia 560, 562 Appropriation for 195 Heirs, provisions respecting rights Band, compensation of director 345 of 560, 562 Detail to Capitol buildings and Married women, right to dispose of grounds 250 separate property 562 Retirement and disability 391 Spouse, surviving, rights of 561 Militia, commanding general, rank 596 Uniform succession in case of intesMiscellaneous expenses, appropriation tacy 560 for 438 Public buildings construction, approMorgue, appropriation for repairs 194 priation for 187, 202, 438 Motor Vehicle Parking Agency, approPublic Health, Department of— priation for 199 Appropriation for 437 Motor vehicles— Drugs and foods, appropriation for Congressional tags, issuance to Chief detection of adulteration 197 Clerk and Parliamentarian of the Hospitals. See Hospitals, this title. Senate 598