Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/1383

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[74 Stat. 73]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 73]



Page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Soil Conservation and Domestic AllotL and - g r a n t colleges, increase in approm e n t Act—Continued priations for teaching grants auAmendments—Continued thorized 525 Hawaii Omnibus Act 412 Library, appropriation for 242 Funds for effecting provisions 236 Livestock products, procurement of Soil Conservation Service— certain 255 Appropriation for 234, 509 Loan authorizations 239, 240 Temporary employment of local enM a r k e t i n g quotas. See Agricultural gineers 235 Adjustment Act of 1938. Stanton, Ky., mineral rights, conveyMarketing research and service, approance A102 priation for 237, 509 Sugar Act of 1948— M e a t inspection, appropriation for.. 232, 233 Amendments— Mexican farm labor program — Extension; quotas 330 Appropriation for 758 Hawaiian statehood, technical Extension 1021 amendments 331 Mineral policies, authorizations 206 Funds for effecting provisions 239 Motor vehicles, passenger, funds available for; limitation 244 Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1961509 Surplus foods. See under Agricultural National Agricultural Advisory Commission, appropriation for 241 Commodities. Sustained-yield forest management, noNational Forests. See separate title. tices, use of certified mail 201 P e n a l t y mail, appropriation for 233, 234 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Inlands, Perishable Agricultural Commodities surplus food commodities, entitleAct, 1930, amendment, complaint ment 113 and investigation, use of certified mail 200 Twine, restriction on purchase by 116, 244 P l a n t disease control, appropriation for. 232 Water storage and utilization, Hawaii Political activities, restriction 237 Omnibus Act 412 Poultry diseases, appropriation for Watershed protection— eradication 233 Appropriation for 235, 509 Publicity or propaganda, restriction on Expedition of work on certain projects 254 use of funds for 116, 244 Reorganization Plan N u m b e r e d 1 of Loan provisions to States for im1959, certain provisions enacted provement programs 131 into law 205 Yazoo and Little Tallahatchie waterReports to Congress. See under Consheds, purchase of lands for flood gress. prevention, approval requirement. 235 Yearbook of Agriculture Research, appropriation for 232, Appropriation for 241 233, 237, 509 Rinderpest, appropriation for eradicaReprinting of 1959 yearbook " F o o d ". 241 tion 233 Restriction on use of funds for 459 Rural Electrification Administration, Air Carriers, supplemental air t r a n s p o r t a appropriation for 239 tion, temporary authorization 527 Rural Rehabilitation Corporation T r u s t Air Force, Department of the. See also Liquidation Act, funds for effecting Armed Forces; Defense, Department of. provisions 240 Air Force Academy— School lunch program, appropriation for. 238 Appropriation for 343 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation Planning, design, etc., restriction on for 241 funds 466 Smith-Lever Act, funds for effecting Aircraft— provisions 234 Loan guarantees, Hawaii Omnibus Soil Bank Act. See separate title. Act 421 Soil Conservation and Domestic AllotMissiles and other procurement, ment Act ^ appropriation for 346, 347 Amendments— Appropriation for 43, 339, 463 Great Plains conservation program, Bakeries, laundries, etc., restriction on protection against loss of acreuse of funds for 465 age allotments after changes Career Compensation Act of 1949. in land use under 1030 See separate title.