Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/987

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[74 Stat. 947]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 947]



PUBLIC LAW 86-778-SEPT. 13, 1960



SEC. 203. (a) The second and third sentences of sections 202(i) of 93^'*^ ""* ^^^' the Social Security Act are amended to read as follows: "If there is no such person, or if such person dies before receiving payment, then such amount shall be paid— "(1) if all or part of the burial expenses of such insured individual which are incurred by or through a funeral home or funeral homes remains unpaid, to such funeral home or funeral homes to the extent of such unpaid expenses, but only if (A) any person who assumed the responsibility for the payment of all or any part of such burial expenses files an application, prior to the expiration of two years after the date of death of such insured individual, requesting that such payment be made to such funeral home or funeral homes, or (B) at least 90 days have elapsed after the date of death of such insured individual and prior to the expiration of such 90 days no person has assumed responsibility for the payment of any of such burial expenses; (2) if all of the burial expenses of such insured individual which were incurred by or through a funeral home or funeral homes have been paid (including payments made under clause (1)), to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and m the proportions that he or they shall have paid such burial expenses; or "(3) if any part of the amount payable under this subsection remains after payments have been made pursuant to clauses (1) and (2), to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid other expenses in connection with the burial of such insured individual, in the following order of priority: (A) expenses of opening and closing the grave of such insured individual, (B) expenses of providing the burial plot of such insured individual, and (C) any remaining expenses in connection with the burial of such insured individual. No payment (except a payment authorized pursuant to clause (1)(A) of the preceding sentence) shall be made to any person under this subsection unless application therefor shall have been filed, by or on behalf of such person (whether or not legally competent), prior to the expiration of two years after the date of death of such insured individual, or unless such person was entitled to wife's or husband's insurance benefits, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such insured individual, for the month preceding the month in which such individual died." (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply— (1) in the case of the death of an individual occurring on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, and (2) in the case of the death of an individual occurring prior to such date, but only if no application for a lump-sum death payment under section 202(i) of the Social Security Act is filed on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income prior to the third calendar month beginning after such date.