Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1223

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[75 Stat. 1183]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1183]



Concurrent Resolutions—Continued ^^^^ Congress—Continued ^^^^ Publications, p r i n t i n g of additional Communist Chinese Government, concopies—Continued gressional statement opposing "Legislative Recommendations by United Nations membership 550, House Committee on Un-Ameri718, 965 can Activities—Subsequent Acaghty-seventh, 2d session, convention tion T a k e n by Congress or date, January 10, 1962. - . 769 Executive Agencies—A Research Enrolled bills, signing after adjournS t u d y by Legislative Reference ment 972 Service of the Library of ConI n a u g u r a t i o n of President-elect and Vice gress" 965 President-elect, continuation of authority of joint committee on Migratory labor, hearing 962 National Policy Machinery, comarrangements 959 pilation of Subcommittee's hearI n t e r s t a t e compacts, consent granted to. ings, reports 966 See separate title.' National Water Research SympoJoint committees, congressional. See sium 963 separate title. "Our Capitol" 962 Library of Congress. See separate title. " Report on United States Foreign Pages, education of, appropriation for. 38, 328 Operations" 960 President, joint meeting to receive com"Soviet Total War—Historic Mission of Violence and Deceit" volmunications from 960,961 umes I and II 964 Reports to — Agriculture, Department of, feed "Subversive Influence in the Educagrains program for 1961 7 tional Process" 962 " The Commission in IntergovernAir Force, Department of the — mental Relations" 964 Aircraft crash a t Midwest City, " The Korean War and Related M a t Okla., settlement 823 ters" 962 Public works, construction c o s t s.. 108 " The Northern California District Army, Department of the, public of the Communist Party — S t r u c works, construction costs 99 ture—Objectives—Leadership".. 963 Attorney General, small business " The Technique of Soviet Propasurveys 667 ganda" 962 Bureau of the Budget, civil service United States foreign policy, compiretirement and disability fund, lation of studies 960 estimates 345 "World C o m m u n i s t Movement—SeCommerce, Department of— lective Chronology 1818-1957, Area Redevelopment Act, annual.. 62 Volume I " 967 United States Travel Service, semi"Uncle S a m " Wilson, congressional annual 130 salute 966 Defense, Department of— World Economic Progress Assembly Contingencies, disbursements 371 and Exposition, November 1962, Reserve forces facilities, costs 117 Chicago, 111., proclamation authorized 969 Government departments and Confederated Tribes, Colville Reservaagencies, scientific and profestion, Wash., use of funds a u t h o r i z e d. 45, 639 sional positions 790 Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Health, Education, and Welfare, Reservation, Greg., acquisition of Department of— land authority 470 Freedmen's Hospital, transfer of... 542 Conflict-of-interest Statutes, applicability, Teachers of the deaf, training 576 etc 293,316,344,576,636,842 Water pollution control 205 Congo, immigration quota, proclamation. 978 Interior, Department of— Congo, Republic of the, immigration quota, Cape Cod National Seashore, M a s s. 288, proclamation 978 290 Mining subsidy to small producers Congress. See also House of Representatives; Legislative Branch of the Govof lead and zinc 766 e r n m e n t; Senate. Saline water conversion program,. _ 629 Tennessee Bald or Beech Gap Adjournment 960 Adjournment, sine die 972 Parkway, survey 337