Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1235

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[75 Stat. 1195]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1195]


SUBJECT INDEX Foreign Quarantine Activities, appropria- ^^^^ tion for 36,601 Foreign Scholarships, Board of, appointment of members 532 Foreign Service: Emergency expenses in diplomatic and consular service, appropriation for. 31 M u t u a l Education a l and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, assignments under, authority 530 Representation allowances, appropriation for 30,546 Foreign Service Act of 1946: Amendments, officers and employees, reemployment, travel expenses, e t c. 464 Appropriation for effecting provisions, _ 546, 547, 549 Economic development assistance program, personnel abroad, applicability of provisions 450 Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 546 Forest Service: Appropriation for 20, 257 Chief Forester, compensation 792, 793 Forest lands, restriction on use of funds for acquisition of 258, 259 R a n g e improvements; roads and trails, appropriation for 258 Tree planting, assistance to States, appropriation for 258 Twine, purchase restriction 269 Fort Belknap Indian Irrigation Project, transfer of certain units 509 Fort Davis National Historic Site, Tex., establishment 488 Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project, Idaho, elimination of land 390 Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Pa., redesignation; land addition 336 Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, N.C., b o u n d a r y revisions 384 Fort Sheridan Military Reservation, 111., legislative jurisdiction over certain lands within • 398 Fort Smith National Historic Site, Ark., establishment 489 Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Wash., redesignation; b o u n d a r y revision 196 Fourth Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1961 195 France, atomic energy, cooperation between United States and France, effective date of agreement 782 Freedmen's Hospital, D.C.: Appropriation for 36, 594 Transfer to Howard University; construction of facilities; appropriation authorization 542, 543

"Freedom of Communications", p r i n t i n g of additional copies of report Freeport Harbor Project, Tex., local requirements revoked Fremont County, Wyo., land c o n v e y a n c e. _ Fugitives from Justice, flight to avoid prosecution or giving testimony

^^^^ 968 823 671 795

G Gabon, immigration quota proclamation - , 979 Gallaudet College, D.C., appropriation for 607 Gambling: District of Columbia, equipment, seizure authority; disposition 540 Transmission of wagering information, penalties 491, 492 Gasoline, continuation of excise tax 123 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for 35, 348 Area Redevelopment Act, access to records for audit _„ 63 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, United States, a u d i t of transactions 638 Comptroller General— Air Force members, certain, subsistence p a y 897 Contracts with United States, altern a t e m e t h o d s of a u d i t i n g records, agreement 109 General Counsel, compensation 685 General provisions, Appropriation Act. 363 Housing Act of 1961, a u d i t of records under, authority 192 National Guard, settlement of accounts of deceased m e m b e r s 92 Supergrade positions, increase 685 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands, auditing requirements of financial transactions 251 General Government Matters, Department of Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1962 268 General Pulaski's Memorial D a y: 1960, proclamation 983 1961, proclamation 1099 General Services Administration: Administrator, Office of, appropriation for 352 Appropriation for 35, 348, 739 Constitutional amendment, twentythird, granting representation in the electoral college to the District of Columbia 847 Court facilities, additional, appropriation for 740 Federal Facilities Corporation, dissolution; transfer of contracts, records, etc 418