Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/642

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[78 STAT. 600]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 600]


PUBLIC LAW 88-486-AUG. 22, 1964

[78 STAT.

after every reasonable effort has been made to abate such nuisance other than by the removal of any such tree, or part thereof." ^ll\ ^""^ ^^' SEC. 5. Such x\.ct, as amended, is amended by inserting the penses following sections immediately after section 4, reading as follows: "SEC. 5. The Commissioners shall determine the cost and expense of any work performed by them under the authority of the first four sections of this Act, including the cost of making good damage to adjoining premises (except such as may have resulted from carelessness and willful recklessness in the demolition or removal of any structure) less the amount, if any, received from the sale of old material, and shall assess such cost and expense upon the lot or ground whereon such structure, excavation, or nuisance stands, stood, was dug, was located, or existed, and this amount shall be collected in the manner provided in section 6 of this Act. Any person, corporation, partnership, syndicate, or company subject to the provisions of the first three sections of this Act who shall neglect or refuse to perform any act required by such sections shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $50 for each and every day said person, corporation, partnership, syndicate, or company fails to perform any act required by such sections. Taxes, payment. "SEC. 6. Aiij tax authorizcd to be levied and collected under this Act may be paid without interest within sixty days from the date such tax was levied. Interest of one-half of 1 per centum for each month or part thereof shall be charged on all unpaid amounts from the expiration of sixty days from the date such tax was levied. Any such tax may be paid in three equal installments with interest thereon. If any such tax or part thereof shall remain unpaid after the expiration of two years from the date such tax was levied, the property against which said tax was levied may be sold for such tax or unpaid portion thereof with interest and penalties thereon at the next ensuing annual tax sale in the same manner and under the same conditions as property sold for delinquent general real estate taxes, if said tax with interest and penalties thereon shall not have been paid in full prior to said sale." SEC. 6. Section 5 of such Act, as amended (s^c. 5-505, I). ( \ Code, 49 Stat. 107. 1961 edition), is renumbered "SEC. 7." and is amended to read as follows: Service of "SEC. 7. (a) Any notice required by this Act to be served shall be notice. deemed to have been served when served by any of the following methods: (1) When forwarded to the last known address of the owner as recorded in the real estate assessment records of the District of Columbia, by registered or certified mail, with return receipt, and such receipt shall constitute prima facie evidence of service upon such owner if such receipt is signed either by the owner or by a person of suitable age and discretion located at such address: Provided, That valid service upon the owner shall be deemed effected if such notice shall be refused by the owner and not delivered for that reason; or (2) when delivered to the person to be notified; or (3) when left at the usual residence or place of business of the person to be notified with a person of suitable age and discretion then resident or employed therein; or (4) if no such residence or place of business can be found in the District of Columbia by reasonable search, then if left with any person of suitable age and discretion employed at the office of any agent of the person to be notified, which agent has any authority or duty with reference to the land or tenement to which said notice relates; or (5) if any such notice forwarded by registered or certified mail be returned for reasons other than refusal, or if personal service of any such notice, as hereinbefore provided, cannot be effected, then if published on three consecutive days in a daily newspaper published