Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1411

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[79 STAT. 1371]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1371]

79 STAT. ]

PRIVATE LAW 89-101-SEPT. 25, 1965

Naranjo, citizens of the United States, respectively, pursuant to section 206(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating ,


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to eligible orphans. SEC. 18. I n the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, George Scargall may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 101(b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in his behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scargall, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. SEC. 19. I n the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Carmela Macaro may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 101(b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Armond Macaro, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. SEC. 20. I n the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Yu Bing Chuck, Yu Lai Jing, Yu Lai Chun and Yu Bing Cheong may be classified as eligible orphans within the meaning of section 1 0 1 (b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of petitions filed in their behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. SEC. 21. I n the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Marcia Patricia, Council may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 1 0 1 (b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Rov E. Licorish, citizens of the Ignited States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. SEC. 22. In the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Leonora Guevara Villanueva may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 101(b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Benny C. Fajardo, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. Approved September 25, 1965.


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Private Law 89-101 AN


For the relief of Master Sergeant Richard G. Smith, United States Air Force, retired.

September 25, 1965

[H. R. 1892]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Master Ser- M. sgt. Richard geant Richard G. Smith, United States Air Force, retired ( A F °- ^"*^17252944), of Omaha, Nebraska, is relieved of liability to the United States in the amount of $790.44, representing an overpayment of base pay, accrued leave, and a reenlistment bonus paid to him by the United States Air Force between 1948 and 1963 through an erroneous credit of longevity. I n the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or disbursing officer of the United States, credit shall be given for amounts for which liability is relieved by this Act. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the said Master Sergeant Richard G. Smith an amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts paid by him, or withheld from sums otherwise due him, in complete or partial satisfaction of the liability to the United States specified in the first section of this Act.