Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/390

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[79 STAT. 350]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 350]


PUBLIC LAW 89-97-JULY 30, 1965

[79 STAT.

such quarter and each quarter thereafter occurring in such period and prior to the first quarter with respect to which such a finding is not applicable. "(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the Federal share of medical expenditures by a State during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, means the percentage which the excess of— " (A) the total of the amounts determined under sections 3, 42 USC 303,603, 403, 1003, 1403, and 1603 with respect to expenditures by such 1203, 1353, 1383. State during such year as aid or assistance under its State plans approved under titles I, IV, X, X IV, and X VI, over " (B) the total of the amounts which would have been determined under such sections with respect to such expenditures during such year if expenditures as aid or assistance in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care had not been counted, is of the total expenditures as aid or assistance in the form of medical or any other tjj^pe of remedial care under such plans during such year. " (d)(1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsections (a), (b), and (c) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsections, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. "(2) The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. "(3) The pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary, of the net amount recovered during any quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to medical assistance furnished under the State plan shall be considered an overpayment to be adjusted under this subsection. " (4) Upon the making of any estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this section shall be deemed obligated. "(e) The Secretary shall not make payments under the preceding ]Drovisions of this section to any State unless the State makes a satisfactory showing that it is making efforts in the direction of broadening the scope of the care and services made available under the plan and in the direction of liberalizing the eligibility requirements for medical assistance, with a view toward furnishing by July 1, 1975, comprehensive care and services to substantially all individuals who meet the plan's eligibility standards with respect to income and resources, including services to enable such individuals to attain or retain indepeiidence or self-care.