Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/422

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April s, wai. A TREATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION Ratilications _ _ @,*;;**;,%*;*},;,2 Between the United States mf America and the United of {g32f;;;;';, Mexzcan States. ‘t'¥.’Fs“aS"a v I Tun United States of America and the United Mexican States desiring to establish upon a firm basis the relations of friendship that so happily subsist between the two Republics, have determined to fix in a clear and positive manner the rules which shall in future be religiously observed between both, by means of a treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. For which important object, the President of the United States of America has appointed Anthony Butler, a citizen of the United States, and Charge d’Aifaires of the United States of America near the United Mexican States, with full powers; and the Vice-President of the United Mexican States, in the exercise of the Executive power, having conferred like full powers on his Excellency Lucas Alaman, Secretary of State for Home and Foreign Affairs, and his Excellency Raphael Mangino, Secretary of the Treasury; and the aforesaid Plenipoteutiaries, after having compared and exchanged in due form their several powers as aforesaid, have agreed upon the following articles: fence and Arvrrcma I. There hall be a firm, inviolable, and universal peace, f"°“d*‘h‘l" and a true and riséncere friendship bppwleen the Unjtegl States of America and the United exican States in a the extento their possessions and tlerritories, and between their people and citizens respectively, without istinction of persons or places. Foaming of Amicus II. 'I`he United States of America and the United Mexican ”‘°F‘ f'*"°‘°d States, designing to take for the basis of their agreement the most per- DMIOIIS secured I- I- d · · . ,0 the ,,,,,,,°,_ act equa ity an reciprocity, engage mutua y not to granteny particular S`.`!.?? .*3 ?.E£§‘Ld'?Z€éi’§"t.§L`0rZI°.$"° §Zf¤§.Z‘E°{?."1iL°Zti‘$'$ Y,§¥2$f?"L’.'i:..`"§`»1§ii I enjoy the same freely, if the concession was freely made, or upon the same conditions, if the concession was conditional. Entry imo Amucnm III. The citizens of the two countries respectively shall Pm'- have liberty, freely and securely to come with their vessels and cargoes to all such places, ports, and rivers of the United States of America and of the United Mexican States, to which other foreigners are permitted to come; to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part of the said territories respectively; also, to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce, and to trade therein, in all sorts of produce, manufactures, and merchandize; and, generally, the merchants and traders of each nation shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce. And they shall not pay higher or other duties, imposes, or fees whatsoevcr, than those which the most favored nations are or may be obliged to pay; and shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions, with respect to navigation and commerce, which the citizens of the most favored nation do or may enjoy ; but subject always to the laws, usages. and statutes of the two countries respectively. c41m