Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/635

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INDEX. 623 Chim- China. Protection of Consuls and other officers be punished by the Consul according to of the United States, · - - 574 the laws of the United States, · - 578 Art. 5. Privileges of trade at the ports named, Art. 22. If Chinn should be at war with any given to citizens of the United States, 574 foreign nation, the trade of the United Art. 6. Papers of vessels of the United States States to the Five ports not to be molested. to be left with the Consul. Tonnage du- Transportation of goods to and from the tres to be paid in full of all former rates ports of the belligeronts to be allowed, &.c. end charges: No additional tonnage du- Proviso, ..-.» 579 tres to be paid on vessels going from one Art. 23. Consuls of United States to make port to another, ---· 575 returns of the trade of United States with Art. 7. No tonnage duties to be laid on boats the five ports, ·-·- 579 belonging to citizens of the United States. Art. 24. Communications with the local otli- Duty oncargo goods, · · · 575 cers of China, bow to be made. Com- Art: 8. Citizens of United States may engage munications from subjects of China, how to pilots, and may hire servants, . . 575 be made. Settlement of controversies, 579 Art. 9. Custom-house officers to be appointed Art. 25. Questions between citizens ot"United to guard the vessels of the United States States and China, how to be regulated. on arrival, &c., . · - - 575 Between citizens of United States and Art. 10. Proceedings of vessels of the United others, - · --·- 579 States on their arrival in China. Penalties Art. 26. Merchant vessels of United States for discharging vessels without u. permit. in the five ports to be under the jurisdic- Vessels departing within forty-eight hours tion of the officers of their government. not to be subject to tonnage or other du. Robbers end pirates, &c., to be arrested ties, -·---. 576 and punished by the Chinese government. Art. ll. Appointment of officers to ascertain Disposition of the property recovered, 580 duties to be paid on goods imported. Dis. Art. 27. Shipwrecks. Vessels forced into putes as to amount of duties, where and any other than the five ports shall receive how settled, ...-- 576 friendly treatment, - · - 580 Art. 12. Standards of weights and mea. Art. 28. Citizens or vessels of United States sures, ----·- 576 not to be subject to embargo, - · 580 Art. 13. When tonnage and other duties shall Art. 29. Mutineers and deserters to be apprebe paid. Duties to be paid in sychee and hended and delivered to United Fvtates Cousilver, or in foreign money at the current suls. Merchants, &.c., of United States to rate of exchange, ·-·- 577 be under the superintendence of the omeers Art. 14. Regulation for transhipment of of their government, - · - 580 goods from one vessel of United States to Art. 30. Correspondence between the respecanother, -----· 577 five governments and their oilieers, and Art. 15. Citizens of United States may trade between individuals and their governwith any and all citizens of China. Not ment, - . - s - 581 to be subject to any new limitation, &c., Art.31. Transmissionofcommunications,581 577 Art. 32. Intercourse with ships of war, 581 Art. 16. Chinese government not responsible Art. 33. Clandestine trade prohibited, - 581 for debts due by its government. Debts Art. 34. At the expiration of twelve years due by citizens of United States to subjects the two government may treat on matters of China, .---- 577 which may require alterations. The treaty, Art. 17. Citizens of United States residing when ratified, to be faithfully observed, &c. at any of the five ports may obtain proper No individual State of the United Statescun accommodations, &c. At places of an. appoint aminister to_China. Ratiiicatrons chorage, &,c., merchants may pass and re- to be exchanged rn eighteen months, 581 pass in the immediate vicinity. No excur. The tariff of duties to be levied on imported sions into the country, &c. Preservation und exported merchandise at the Five ports, of the public peace, · · - 577 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587. Art. 18. Persons may be employed to teach G I L. the languages in any part of the empire. ° om m' _ _ _ Citizens of the United States may buy any G”*”_“l C”"””"h°” of P““» A""!!}: N‘}*”‘ manner nf bnnks, ____ 578 gamm and Commerce between the United Art. 19. citizens of uname sims to be spe. S¢¤*¤—= and Me Reputw ¢v’ 0¤l¤·¤Y>w· 0¤¤¤— cially protected by the local authorities. ber 3s 1824v' _’306 Riots and attacks on their houses to be Article 1. Firm and invrolable peace, &c., to prevented by military force, and riotcrs be observed, &o., - - · · · 306 punished, ·.--- 578 Art. 2. F avours to other nations to be com- Art. 20. Recxportatiou of goods imported mon to both, - · _ - - ·' 306 into China by citizens of the United States Art. 3. Citizens of the United States at lrberty to other permitted ports. Frauds on the to frequent all the coasts and conntrres of government of China, · - - 578 the Republic of Colomb1a.._ Citizens of Art. 21. Criminal acts by subjects of China Colombia to enjoy m the United States the to be punished by the Chinese. Citizens same privilege, ·--. {306 of the United States committing crimes to Art. 4. Merchants and commanders of shtpn,