Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/636

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624 INDEX. Colombia. l Colombia. Jac., to manage their business as citizens rstilied, und ratilications exchanged within of the most lizvoured nations, - · 308 eight months, -..-- 320 Art. 5. Citizens of neither of the contracting Denmark, parties liable to embargo, &.c., · 30 General Convention of Friendship, Com- Art. 6. Citizens of either party seeking ro- merce and Navigation between the United fugetobetrented osfriends, · · 308 States of America and His Mgesty the Art. 7. Ships or vessels of either party esp- King of Denmark. April 26, 18 6, 340 fwd by Pl”l·“ t° be d¢Ii*¤¤‘¤d “Pv ‘ 308 Article 1. Commerce and navigation · 340 Art. 8. Assistance in case of shipwreck, 308 Am 2_ Nwigauon cquumy and °,.°c,P,.0_ Art. 9. Citizen of each of the parties may cn _ _ ° _ _ l _ _ 340 dl*P°“° °f '·h°il` 800*** ln um .l“’i“dl°ti°“ Art § Duties on the produce and manufiw- °"h° °th°l'• • ·* 308 tures of either country - · 340 Art. 10. Special protection to be given to the A,.t_ 4_ Duties _ _ f _ _ 341 person and property of citizens of either Am 5_ Duties; _____ 341 P"?? ‘ ,' ."' 310 Art. 6. Possessions of Denmark, - 341 Art. 1 . Security of conscience, · · 310 Am 7_ Tue, _____ 342 A¤·_1¤· <>i¤=¤¤e ¤f ¤i=*¤¤= vmy my ¤¤*¤ Art. s. cmwn and vac¤¤1¤, . 342 mm um" 'l“P’ n'°m mY '·° AM Art. 9. Rights und privileges oI`Consuls, 342 Pl"" °f u")" wh° "° nt °“““*Y with Art. 10 Regulations concerning Consuls 342 °il·h" P*“`t.Y• *•··' 310 Art. 1t. Convention to be in force for, ten Art. 13. Neutral property found on board yur, ______ 342 enomies’ vessels shall be held and consi- Am 12., Convention ,0 be ,,,,,,,.0Wd up by the d°"d °·° °n°mi°°’ P"°P°"'Y• E¤°°P*i°;;3 President and the King of Denrnnrk, 342 Art. 14. Liberty ofnavigution and commerce Addendum to the Treaty of AP"] 26° Iii? t° °xt°“d l·° °u kinds of m°'°h'mdi“· °x' Provision relative to tho claims of the United °°Pt ccrmin °°m”b"·“d ”·"l°l“• * 312 States for indemuities not waived by the Arit. 15. All other merchandise to be lac}; ,,1,,,,,,, ______ 343 rs . . Ar; ?6_ Article, of contraband found in ._ Ucnpenticn betzoeen the United States of Ame. yum] bound to nn cmmyvs Port Bhd] be rica and- Hrs Majesty the Kung of Densuhjeet to confiscation, . . . 312 Mrk. •·e¤·¤·i ¤¢ 0··p=¤’·¤g¢¤ W 28% Art. 7. Vessels sailing for n. port besieged Merch, 1830, ----- 402 without notice may be turned sway, 14 Article 1. Renuncistion by Denmark of Art. 18. Regulation of visits ut sea, . 314 indemnity. Agreement to indemnify the Art. 19. Agreement entered into to avoid United States for the seizure and condemnavexstion in the examination of pupcrs tion of their vessels, &c., - - 402 relative to the ownership ofvcssels, &o., 314 Art. 2. Payment of the snid indemnity, 402 Art. 20. Vessels smiling under convoy, 316 Art. 3. A board of commissioners to be ap- Art. 21. Prize courts alone to take cogni- pointed to ascertain the validity, &,c,, cf zsuoeof ize causes, - . . 316 the claims. Proceedings of the commis. Art. 22. Ig; citizen of either contracting sioners, -----· 404 part shall seoept s commission, Gao., 316 Art. 4. No further claims for the seizure or Art. 2; Six months allowed to merchants to oontiscation of their vcs els shell be hereremove in case of wsr, . . . 316 alter presented, ---- 406 Art. 24. Debts of individuals in case of war Art. 5. The convention only applicable to not to be sequestered, . . . 316 the cases mentioned in it, - - 406 Art. 25. Same favours to be granted to con- Art. 6. Rntilicntions to be exchanged within voys, Guo., as enjoyed by the most favoured six months, - - . - - 406 !l8.i}l0DI, · • · I- T · 316 Lvcuadnt Aft. 26. C¤l’lBlllS to be ldniltféd In ull poétsg F Treaty with, of junz 13, 1839, _ _ 534 , . , _ rance. ”Zi£Z.‘ °f"'““`? °° ?"""f° "`?' °`Z""3i? Hittif i?”’“f".£é.f,’:.i.Q’?* ok anthem? Art. 28. Consular und persons attached to France andw éreat Britdiix it shall be a their service exempt from public service, common cause, - - ’ - - 6 318 Art. 2. The essential and direct object of Art. 99. Consuls have power to require tho this alliance is the independence of the assistance of the authorities for tho arrest, United States, --·· 8 Gm., ofdeserters, . . . . 318 Art. 3. Both parties to make every effort to Art. 30. A consular convention to be agreed attain the same, ---- 8 upon, -·-·-- 320 Art. 4. Concurrence in enter rises, - 8 Art. 31. Points agreed upon relative to the Art. 5. If United States shaii reduce from treaty. Treaty to remain in force for the British power the northern parts of twelve years. Harmony and good cor- America, or the Islands of Bermudus, they rospondonce between the two nations. No shall be conlizdernted with or be dependent reprisals in case of parties not agreeing tc on the United States, - - — B the treaty. Treaty to be approved und