Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1858

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[82 STAT. A38]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. A38]



Page Justice, Department of—Continued Page Labor, Department of—Continued International Labor Affairs, Bureau of, National Institute of Law Enforcement appropriation for 332, 973 and Criminal Justice, establishLabor Management Relations, approment 203 priation for 332 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriaStreets Act of 1968. See separate tion for 332, 973 title. Law enforcement officers not employed Prisons, Bureau of. State and local govby United States, benefits for inernments, technical assistance to 280 jury or death while apprehending Trading With the Enemy Act, approFederal violators 98 priation for effecting provisions 673 Manpower Administration, appropriaUnited States prisoners, appropriation tion for 315, 970 for support of 675 Manpower Development and Training Juvenile Delinquency, Subcommittee to Act of 1962. See separate title. Investigate, printing of hearings 1448 Rehabilitation of youths, training of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and personnel, concvurence in program. 470 Control Act of 1968 462 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation Appropriation for effecting provisions 1195 for 974 K Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 332,973 Kansas, El Dorado, payment for settleWage and Hour Division, appropriation ment of claim 108 for 973 Kansas City Area Transportation AuWage and Labor Standards Administrathority, additional powers 338 tion, appropriation for 332, 972 Kenai, Alaska, land conveyance by InteLabor Management Relations, appropriarior Department 872 tion for 332 Kennedy, Robert F., day of national Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947, mourning, proclamation 1634 appropriation for effecting provisions. 992, King, Martin Luther, Jr., day of national 993 mourning, proclamation 1621 Labor-Management Reporting and DiscloKings River Water Association and Others, sure Act, appropriation for effecting Calif., water supply contracts, credit provisions 972 for excess payments for years 1954 and Labor Relations Board, National, appro1955 39 priation for 336, 992 Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes, Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriation Okla., judgment funds, use 880 for 332,973 "Ku Klux Klan Movement, Present-Day," Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, printing of additional copies 1449 Wash., establishment 927 Lake Oahe, N. Dak.-S. Dak., designation. 51 L Lake Ontario Claims Tribunal, United States and Canada, appropriation for. 671 Labor, Department of: Appropriation Act, 1969 969 Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965: Appropriation for 92, 315, 332 Amendments— Construction industry, seasonal unemAcquisition of lands, etc 355 ployment, research; report 1355 Revenue, new sources 354 Consumer Credit Protection Act, reAppropriation for effecting provisions.. 429, striction on garnishment, enforce1194 ment 164 Land Management, Bureau of, appropriaEmployees' Compensation, Bureau of, tion for 313, 329, 425 appropriation for 332, 973 Laos and Thailand, local forces in, availaEmployment Security, Bureau of, apbility of funds 851 propriation for 92, 970 General provisions. Appropriations Act. 974 Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Week, League of United, designation 5 Highway programs, equal employment opportunity 826 Latin American Countries, foreign assistance programs 961, 963 Interagency Advisory Committee on Law and Order in the State of Illinois, Compensation for Motor Vehicle proclamation 1622 Accident Losses, member 127