Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/1101

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[83 STAT. A33]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. A33]

SUBJECT INDEX Reports to— Page American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, time extension 132 Budget, Bureau of the, limitation on expenditures 82 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, unfunded liability obligations- _ 138 Spanish-Speaking People, Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for. 840 Reports to, for transmittal to Congress— Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, coal mining, health804 Interior, Department of, coal mining, health and safety 803 Reports to Congress. See Reports to under Congress. Salary, increase , 3 Salary recommendations, executive legislative, and judicial 863 President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, appropriation for. _ 452 President's Council on Youth Opportunity, appropriation for expenses, authorization 826 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration 155 Printing, Joint Committee on, appropriation for 348 Printing Office, Government. See Government Printing Office. Prison Industries, Incorporated, Federal, appropriation for 426 Prison System, Federal, appropriation for . 60,410 Proclamations: American Education Week, 1969 964 American Heart Month, 1969 928 Bill of Rights Day—Human Rights Day 973 Cancer Control Month, 1969 937 Captive Nations Week, 1969 951 Child Health Day, 1969 966 Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1969 945 Columbus Day, 1969 959 D-Day Twenty-fifth Anniversary Day948 Day of Bread and Harvest Festival 970 Designation 135 D wight D. Eisenhower, announcing death of 941 Fire Prevention Week, 1969 952 Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1969 949 Flag of the United States, display at halfstaflf upon death of certain officials974 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1969— 957 General von Steuben Memorial Day. 963 Designation^ 115

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Helen Keller Memorial Week Designation Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week Human Rights Day—Bill of Rights Day Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Redwood National Park, Calif., designation of area Law Day, U.S.A., 1969 Law Day, World, 1969 League of Women Voters of the United States, 50th anniversary Leif Erikson Day, 1969 Loyalty Day, 1969 Mother's Day, 1969 National Adult-Youth Communications Week Designation National Archery Week Designation National Blood Donor Month, designation National Day of Participation, Apollo l l ' s mission National Day of Prayer, 1969 National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1969 National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1969 National Family Health Week Designation National Farm-City Week, 1969 National Farm Safety Week, 1969 National Forest Products Week, 1969-. National Highway Week, 1969 National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1969 National Industrial Hygiene Week Designation National Maritime Day, 1969 National Poison Prevention Week, 1969 National Safe Boating Week, 1969 National School Lunch Week, 1969 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 20th anniversary Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1969 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1969. Professional equipment and containers, duty-free admission Professional Photography Week in America Designation Random Selection for Military Service. Red Cross Month, 1969

947 11 913 973 956 933 954 943 958 939 944 965 115 953 98 804 951 968 935 958 969 133 962 933 961 954 960 970 135 937 929 932 967 940 942 946 920 950 33 972 930