Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/509

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[84 STAT. 1839]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1839]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-614-DEC. 31, 1970

as provided in section 2502, is hereby imposed on the transfer of property by gift during such calendar quarter by any individual, resident or nonresident." (B) Paragraph (4) of such subsection is amended by striking out "calendar year" and inserting in lieu thereof "calendar quarter". (2)


(A) So much of subsection (a) of section 2502 as precedes the rate schedule is amended to read as follows: " (a) COMPUTATION OF TAX.—The tax imposed by section 2501 for each calendar quarter shall be an amount equal to the excess of— "(1) a tax, computed in accordance with the rate schedule set forth in this subsection, on the aggregate sum of the taxable gifts for such calendar quarter and for each of the preceding calendar years and calendar quarters, over " (2) a tax, computed in accordance with such rate schedule, on the aggregate sum of the taxable gifts for each of the preceding calendar years and calendar quarters." (B) Subsections (b) and (c) of section 2502 are amended to read as follows: "(b) CALENDAR QUARTER,—Wherever used in this title in connection with the gift tax imposed by this chapter, the term 'calendar quarter' includes only the first calendar quarter of the calendar year 1971 and succeeding calendar quarters. "(c) PRECEDING CALENDAR YEARS AND QUARTERS.—Wherever used in this title in connection with the gift tax imposed by this chapter— " (1) The term 'preceding calendar years' means calendar years 1932 and 1970 and all calendar years intervening between calendar year 1932 and calendar year 1970. The term 'calendar year 1932' includes only the portion of such year after June 6, 1932. "(2) The term 'preceding calendar quarters' means the first calendar quarter of calendar year 1971 and all calendar quarters intervening between such calendar quarter and the calendar quarter for which the tax is being computed." (3)

SECTION 2503.—

(A) Subsection (a) of section 2503 is amended to read as follows: " (a) GENERAL DEFINITION.—The term 'taxable gifts' means, in the case of gifts made after December 31, 1970, the total amount of gifts made during the calendar quarter, less the deductions provided in subchapter C (sec. 2521 and following). I n the case of gifts made before January 1, 1971, such term means the total amount of gifts made during the calendar year, less the deductions provided in subchapter C," (B) The heading and first sentence of subsection (b) of section 2503 are amended to read as follows: "(b) EXCLUSIONS FROM GIFTS.—In computing taxable gifts for the calendar quarter, in the case of gifts (other than gifts of future interests in property) made to any person by the donor during the calendar year 1971 and subsequent calendar years, $3,000 of such gifts to such person less the aggregate of the amounts of such gifts to such person during all preceding calendar quarters of the calendar year shall not, for purposes of subsection (a), be included in the total amount of gifts made during such quarter." (4)

SECTION 2504.—

(A) Section 2504 is amended to read as follows:


so Stat. 1574. 26 USC 2501. 68A Stat. 403..

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